

10 simple eye care tips to improve vision

Our eyes are an essential part of our lives, and to keep them functioning properly we have to provide them with essential care. Here are some easy and effective tips to improve your eye-sight and keep them healthy:

9 fruits low in sugar that diabetics can consume

For individuals managing diabetes, monitoring sugar intake is crucial to maintaining stable blood sugar levels. While fruits are generally high in natural sugars, some varieties are lower in sugar content, making them suitable choices for diabetics. Take a look.

Five Weird Signs That You Are Vitamin Deficient; Ways To Fix It

If your body is critical of vitamins, it will give out signs like cramps, cracks in your mouth, scaly rashes, and many more. According to experts, vitamins – that help boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs, are extremely important for overall health and well-being. And so, it is important to take note of these symptoms and fix it. Read on to know more.

From Weight Gain To Fibre Overload: The Downsides Of Eating Too Much Avocado

Avocados are known to be an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, which are healthy for the heart. It also has fibre, potassium, and essential vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, and various B vitamins. All of these nutrients have several health benefits. However, overeating avocadoes can have side effects. Read on to know the downsides of eating too much avocado.

Impact of Mental Or Physical Health Challenges on Genz Teens

The mental and physical health challenges faced by GenZ teens are increasingly prevalent, exacerbated by factors like the Covid-19 pandemic and the omnipresence of social media. Academic pressures, FOMO, and sedentary lifestyles contribute to a complex landscape of issues impacting their overall well-being. These challenges, ranging from disrupted routines to unhealthy habits, not only affect academic performance but also strain relationships...

Weight Loss Story: This Woman Ditched Gluten And Dairy And Lost 20 Kgs In 6 Months

Real life weight loss story: A woman shares how she dealt with a host of health issues like PCOS, an autoimmune condition, depression and irritable bowel syndrome. With her back against the wall, she had a hope in her heart to live life to fullest again, and she did make her wish come true by losing 20 kgs and becoming healthy again.

Dandruff and scalp irritation? Ditch that itch with these expert tips

A mere scratch on the head can reveal more than just an itch; it can uncover dandruff, those pesky white flakes that cascade from the scalp like snowfall. Coupled with an incessant itch, these signs are not only discomforting but also signal towards underlying scalp issues that demand attention. Dandruffand itchy scalp can arise from various factors, including dry skin, fungal infections, sensitivity to hair products, or even an imbalance in the...

8 simple things that give immense positive and healthy energy

Adding these eight simple practices into your daily routine can help you unlock a wealth of positive energy and vitality, allowing you to live life to the fullest and thrive in mind, body, and spirit. So why wait? Start embracing these habits today.

What is Dementia? Who all are at risks? Here's all you need to know

Dementia is a brain disorder that impairs one's ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is highly prevalent in India.

A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.

10 regional sweets of India that also have some amount of nutrition

Traditional Indian sweets are not just indulgent treats but also offer a nutritious blend of protein and essential nutrients....

Can heatwave affect your sugar levels? Tips for people with diabetes to beat the heat

As heatwave grips Mumbai, Pune, and other parts of the country, people with diabetes need to watch out for symptoms of heatstroke and uncontrolled sugar levels.

Boost your digestive system with these 6 easy drinks for a happy and healthy gut

Your gut is like the foundation of your body's health. It manages the complex process of breaking down food, extracting important nutrients, and getting rid of waste. Plus, it has a big impact on your immune system, mental balance, and also prevents chronic illnesses. A healthy gut, full of good bacteria, not only helps you absorb nutrients better but also protects against harmful germs. Multiple studies show that a strong gut doesn't just boost your mood and brainpower but also connects closely to your well-being. So, taking care of your gut with a balanced diet, probiotics, and healthy habits pays off big time for an improved health and energy. Here are 6 simple homemade drinks to perk up your digestion (Image: Canva)Lemon water: Kickstart your day with warm water mixed with fresh lemon juice. It is not just a refreshing way to start your morning, but it also helps wake up your digestion, keeps you hydrated, and aids in breaking down food efficiently (Image: Canva)Fennel tea: Fennel seeds, also called saunf, are good for your gut. Brew up some fennel tea to soothe digestive discomfort. Fennel seeds are known for calming digestive issues like bloating and indigestion, thanks to their natural compounds that relax the stomach muscles and ease gas (Image: Canva)Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera is good for your skin, so you know. Discover the digestive benefits of aloe vera beyond skincare. It's packed with compounds that reduce inflammation and enzymes that improve digestion, making it great for managing conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (Image: Canva)Carom seeds water: Carom seeds, also referred to as ajwain, have long been used to reduce stomach discomfort, a practice steeped in tradition. Making a drink from ajwain seeds offers a good remedy that enhances stomach acid production, fights indigestion, and aids in the healing of peptic ulcers. Ajwain's carminative attributes effectively relieve gas, while its fibre content promotes regularity in bowel movements (Image: Canva)Mint tea: Enjoy the soothing effects of mint leaves on your digestive system. Mint's menthol content relaxes stomach muscles, relieving spasms, bloating, and gas (Image: Canva)Ginger tea: Turn to ginger for its anti-inflammatory powers to ease indigestion and bloating. Ginger tea calms the stomach, dispels gas, and can even help with nausea (Image: Canva)

10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall

Here are 10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall.

High Blood Sugar Levels Can Lead To Frozen Shoulder In People Suffering From Diabetes; Know How

According to studies, people suffering from diabetes are up to twice as likely to suffer from frozen shoulders, mostly due to the effects of collagen, which holds the bones together in a joint. Collagen gets triggered by the presence of high blood sugars and becomes sticky when sugar molecules become attached, leading to restricted movements and the shoulder starting to stiffen. Read on to know more.

Bharti Singh Hospitalized For Urgent Surgery Gallbladder Stones

New Delhi, May 5 -- Bharti Singh shares her emotional journey dealing with gallbladder stones and her urgent surgery. From her hospital bed, Bharti discusses the pain of being away from her son and the support she's received from her husband and fans.

Nutrition alert: One muskmelon (about 552 grams) contains…

Avoid juices, smoothies or desserts made with muskmelon, as these can be very high in calories and contain a high amount of sugar, said Rutu Dhodapkar, Dietetics Team, P D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar

Nutrition alert: Here’s what a 100-gram serving of persimmon contains

Kanikka Malhotra, consultant dietician and diabetes educator explains the benefits of this delicious orange-coloured fruit, and how to best consume it

What is in your protein powder?

A new study suggests that 70% of protein powders on the market might be doing more harm than good.

Masaba Gupta loves this ‘yum’ combination for breakfast; let’s find out the ingredients (and health benefits)

Make sure that you use ripe, fresh ingredients to get the best flavour and nutritional content, said Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist, Artemis Lite, New Friends Colony (NFC), New Delhi

5 deliciously healthy beetroot recipes for vibrant and nutritious meals

Discover the goodness of beets with our collection of five healthy and tasty recipes. From salads to desserts, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

No, beetroot isn’t vegetable Viagra. But here’s what else it can do

Beetroot alongside foods such as berries, nuts and leafy greens is a superfood . It contains above-average levels per gram of certain vitamins and minerals.

A woman who never worked out until age 66 says a simple exercise routine helped her lose 50 pounds and stabilize her blood sugar

A 70-year-old woman said starting a simple workout routine transformed her health, helping her balance blood sugar and heal chronic pain.

Try these easy asanas to boost your immunity

Let's take a look which yoga poses can boost our immunity.

Best exercises: 6 must-try moves to reduce belly fat, keep heart disease, diabetes at bay

Excess belly fat can seriously harm your health. Visceral fat around your organs raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Belly fat can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation, therefore reducing it is essential for your health. A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that a 12-week programme of aerobic and abdominal strengthening exercises, without caloric restriction,...

9 everyday things that keep the brain healthy

Adding these nine simple habits into your daily routine can go a long way in promoting brain health and cognitive function. Small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. So start today and give your brain the care it deserves!

Can You Take Oral Rehydration Solution If You Have Diabetes?

Dehydration and diabetes go hand in hand together, which is not a good signal, especially in scorching summer. Even though ORS helps you hydrate and treat acute gastroenteritis is it okay for those suffering from high blood sugar levels to have it regularly? Read on to find out.

What is a whole30 diet? What to eat and what to avoid in this?

Whole30 Diet, a 30-day plan by Melissa Hartwig Urban and Dallas Hartwig, focuses on whole foods and eliminates inflammatory ones for body reset. Strict guidelines aim at improving overall health and well-being. Whole30 has gained popularity for its strict guidelines and emphasis on improving overall health and well-being. It is a spin-off of the Paleo diet.

Study Finds How Many Hours Of Sleep You Need Each Night

A study found that optimal health requires over 4 hours of physical activity, 8.3 hours of sleep, 6 hours sitting and 5 hours standing. The researchers looked at the data of nearly 2,000 adults and showed light activity benefits glucose control, suggesting regular breaks from sitting improve metabolism. Read on to know more about the study.

Five best exercises that can help you stay fit in your 30s

These five exercises - resistance training, yoga, aerobic activities and functional fitness - work particularly well when you hit your 30s.

Rice water benefits: Here's how effective this hack is for skin and hair

Rice water benefits: Let's dive into the benefits and effectiveness of this amazing hack.

What Do You Mean By Pulse Pressure and What Should Yours Be?

Pulse pressure is the difference between the upper and lower levels of your blood pressure, which is a big indicator of your health problems before you develop any symptoms. Doctors say it is important to manage it, otherwise, it can lead to many life-threatening heart issues like heart attacks and strokes. Read on to know more.

Senior citizens do bhangra for fitness in Chandigarh

A group of senior citizens in Chandigarh have started a health initiative that involves dancing to bhangra tunes early morning every day for fitness.

Keto: Fad Diet or Sustainable Lifestyle Change? | Health

Does Keto diet work for real? How to start the diet? In this video, we explore the science behind keto to uncover the TRUTH about its effectiveness. We'll break down the potential benefits, from weight loss to blood sugar control. But beware, keto also has downsides, including side effects and difficulty sticking to it long-term. Watch to know more.Moneycontrol is India's leading financial and business portal with in-depth market coverage, analysis, expert opinions, and a gamut of financial tools.A part of Network18, is the most influential destination for stock market news and advice, business news, and news about the Indian and global economy.Subscribe: us:Visit

Irregular Heart Rhythm in Young People: Understanding Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Irregular heart rhythms, which is a surrogate of cardiac arrhythmias, can affect individuals of all ages, including young people. While most of the time symptoms may be seemingly benign, they can have significant implications for heart health and overall well-being. Apparently out of each 100 heart patients, you can presume that 40 patients will definitely have some kind of heartbeat problem related to predominantly irregular heartbeat.Q. What...

8 fruits to eat for a glowing skin this summer

Fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and hydration, which nourish the skin from within, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

Saya Gold residents falling ill: 8 of 15 water samples fail quality checks, says health dept

The basement of the high-rise has a huge water storage tank of about 275,000 litres and it is suspected that the contaminants entered the water tank

Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Power of a Protein-Rich Diet and Regular Exercise

Are you experiencing the familiar struggle of not being able to lose weight despite exercising, controlling your diet, and getting enough sleep? If this sounds like you, there’s no need to worry. It might be time to reconsider your protein intake. Protein is a crucial element for building muscle mass and shedding fat. It is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with fats and carbohydrates. A diet high in protein not only increases...

10 morning practices to improve mental health

​Establish morning routines that include exercise, nutritious breakfasts, mindfulness practices, and positive affirmations to support mental well-being and set a positive tone for the day.​

Why women suffer from depression more than men

Global awareness of mental health issues, particularly depression, has increased. Women face unique challenges due to the gender gap, societal pressures, and biological factors, leading to higher rates of depression. Support groups play a vital role in empowering women's emotional health.

Viral video calls ghee a fat burner. Experts fact-check

Next time someone offers you ghee, don't run away from it; instead, add it to your diet. A good fat, ghee is loaded with benefits, but is it a fat burner?

The Concept Of Tea Without Milk And Sugar: Targeting The Health-Conscious Consumers

India runs chai! We all love our cups of chai in the mornings and in the afternoons, and countless cups in between. And our chai needs to be strong and sweet, milky and ‘malai mar ke’!Ketan Desai, Chief & Sustainability Officer, VAHDAM India believes in India, at home or in offices, guests are always offered chai or coffee, and invariably, the choice tends to be chai. “And invariably, the chai that is served is needs to be sweet – that is the...

Unveiling the truth behind the Vampire Facial: Harnessing the body's healing powers for radiant skin

The vampire facial, a popular beauty treatment, uses the patient's blood for skin rejuvenation. Despite myths, it's safe when performed in a medical facility. Ongoing research indicates broader applications beyond skincare, such as hair growth and joint pain relief.

Lose weight naturally with these 9 summer foods that also keep you hydrated, beat the heat

Including nutrient-rich and hydrating summer foods into your diet not only supports healthy weight loss but also ensures you stay nourished and energised, says Madhura Paroolkar Behki, Head Nutritionist and Dietician at Cult Transform. She emphasises the importance of selecting foods that not only aid in weight loss but also help manage the sweltering heat. If you are wondering what you should eat this summer to achieve double benefits like weight loss and heat management, Behki has some suggestions for you (Image: Canva)Watermelon: This juicy delight is not only a summer staple but also aids in weight loss. Packed with fibre, watermelon provides satiety while keeping calorie intake in check, with 90 percent of its weight comprising water. Additionally, it contains arginine, an amino acid that aids in fat burning, making it a perfect addition to salads or paired with feta cheese for a refreshing twist (Image: Canva)Cucumbers: With just 16 calories per cup, cucumbers are the epitome of low-calorie foods. Their high water and fibre content make them ideal for promoting a feeling of fullness while acting as natural detoxifiers. Whether enjoyed as a raita with curd or combined with iceberg lettuce, cucumbers offer a crisp and hydrating addition to summer meals (Image: Canva)Ice apple: Rich in fibre, ice apples support digestion and act as natural diuretics, aiding in flushing out excess water from the body. With 87 percent water content, they are a guilt-free indulgence for those managing their sweet cravings during weight loss endeavours (Image: Canva)Yoghurt: Yoghurt's protein content makes it an excellent snack choice for weight loss, while its gut-cooling properties offer relief from summer heat. Low in carbs, yogurt can be enjoyed topped with nuts or blended into refreshing buttermilk for a nourishing treat (Image: Canva)Bottle gourd: Fibre-rich and low in calories, bottle gourd helps in prolonged satiety and easy digestion. Its low glycemic index makes it an ideal vegetable for diabetic individuals. Include it into dal khichadi or enjoy it as a soothing soup for a nourishing meal option (Image: Canva) Corn: High in fibre, corn helps reduce appetite and promote fullness, while its probiotic properties support metabolism and digestion. Additionally, it is packed with potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin A, and can be steamed and enjoyed in salads for a flavourful and nutritious meal (Image: Canva)Iced green tea: With its fat-burning properties and ability to boost metabolic rate, iced green tea serves as a refreshing alternative to sugary drinks. Add a slice of lime for a zesty twist and enjoy its rejuvenating benefits throughout the summer (Image: Canva)Kokum fruit: The hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in kokum is good for appetite suppression and weight loss, while its anti-inflammatory properties soothe digestion and cool the gut. Indulge in kokum juice or savour solkadi for a tangy and nutritious addition to your summer diet (Image: Canva)Guava: Guava's high fibre content keeps hunger at bay while its vitamin C content boosts metabolic rate. With antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation, guava makes for a satisfying salad or a frozen dessert for guilt-free indulgence (Image: Canva)

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

Living with glaucoma: Tips for coping and maintaining visual health, quality of life

Eye expert reveals how individuals can mitigate the progression of glaucoma and preserve their visual health

Increasing stroke cases in young adults: Reasons for this disturbing trend, treatment tips

Recent years have seen an increasing incidence of stroke among young adults globally and in India. Here are the causes and treatment of brain disorder in youth

Fatigue, anxiety, low self-esteem are signs you are mentally and physically affected by loneliness

Feeling disconnected from others is more than just an emotional state—it can profoundly impact both your mental and physical well-being. Loneliness isn't merely a fleeting feeling; it can manifest in various ways, creeping into your daily life and affecting your health in significant ways. Let’s explore the signs that indicate you may be experiencing the effects of loneliness on both your mind and body: Mental signs of lonelinessPersistent...

Why Do My Shoulders Click, Pop Or Crack? Easy Ways To Manage The Conditions

Cracking, clicking, and popping sounds are quite common in your joints. According to doctors, there are various reasons why this happens, and they need to be treated immediately to prevent further issues. Read on to know the causes and how you can treat it.

Health benefits of coconut water: Pros, cons and who must avoid drinking it

Introducing coconut water into your daily routine can offer a refreshing and nutrient rich beverage choice. However, like any food or drink, there are both positives and negatives to consider. While coconut water can be a healthy addition to your diet, excessive consumption may lead to unwanted side effects. Let's explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of drinking coconut water regularly. Pros:Hydration: Coconut water is a natural...