Excess belly fat can seriously harm your health. Visceral fat around your organs raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Belly fat can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation, therefore reducing it is essential for your health.

A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that a 12-week programme of aerobic and abdominal strengthening exercises, without caloric restriction, effectively reduced belly fat in healthy sedentary adults. The programme is recommended for its positive impact on abdominal adiposity.

Dr Tejashree Etam, physiotherapist and healthcare analyst, Mumbai, recommends six exercises that effectively target belly fat. "Regular practice of these exercises can lead to improved core strength and a reduction in belly fat," she says.

Bhujangasana: Also called Cobra pose, this yoga asana strengthens the abdominal muscles and promotes spinal flexibility. It stretches the upper body, aids in the prevention of constipation and back pain and also provides a gentle backbend for the spine.

Crunches: Crunches strengthen and develop core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back, which can improve posture and reduce back injury risk. Strengthening these muscles also enhances balance and stability.

Double leg lifts: This exercise engages the lower abs and enhances core stability. Performing this movement regularly reduces belly fat and strengthens core muscles, which can aid in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Pilates: Studies suggest that Pilates' benefit in core tightening, flexibility, and physical fitness. The exercises strengthen and tone muscles while promoting flexibility and range of motion. Nevertheless, remember to start slowly and consult a fitness expert as Pilates can be demanding.

Plank: The plank is a full-body exercise that primarily targets the core, including the abdominals and lower back. Holding a plank position for a set duration can help build core strength, improve posture, and increase endurance.

Stretches: Stretches are importance as they engage the core and improve flexibility and muscle recovery. Stretching enhances range of motion, reduces injury risk, and can help decrease belly fat. Consult a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

Before starting a fitness routine, it is important to consult with a doctor and fitness expert, especially if you have any health concerns.

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