
Is it a common cold or an allergy? Here’s how to tell

The timing of your symptoms can also offer clues.

High Blood Sugar Levels Can Lead To Frozen Shoulder In People Suffering From Diabetes; Know How

According to studies, people suffering from diabetes are up to twice as likely to suffer from frozen shoulders, mostly due to the effects of collagen, which holds the bones together in a joint. Collagen gets triggered by the presence of high blood sugars and becomes sticky when sugar molecules become attached, leading to restricted movements and the shoulder starting to stiffen. Read on to know more.

How Does Low Blood Sugar Levels Impact Your Body?

Low blood sugar is a condition wherein your glucose levels in the blood fall below the normal levels. It is important that you manage your blood sugar levels effectively with diet, exercise and medicines. Like hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia also has effects on the body. Read on to know how hypoglycemia impacts your body.

What is Hemophilia? Expert tips to manage it

Hemophilia is a genetic blood disorder where blood lacks clotting factors, causing prolonged bleeding and difficulty in clot formation. It is typically inherited and can result in spontaneous bleeding episodes, joint damage, and other complications. In this video, Dr. Shweta Bansal, Head - Paediatric Heamato Oncology & Paediatric BMT has explained about the genetic condition.What is Hemophilia? Expert tips to manage it

Cucumber To Aloe Vera Gel, Things To Apply At Night For Glowing Skin In Summer

The scorching summer has arrived, and during this time, the skin starts burning. According to dermatologists, it is the harmful UV rays emanating from the sun that cause the most damage to our skin, and we start looking older before our age.Whenever it comes to skincare, we turn to the products available on the market. But home remedies are the solution to all these problems. Be it collagen or niacinamide, which is necessary to keep the skin...

11 foods to help get rid of headache

Here we list 11 foods to get rid of headaches.

8 simple things that give immense positive and healthy energy

Adding these eight simple practices into your daily routine can help you unlock a wealth of positive energy and vitality, allowing you to live life to the fullest and thrive in mind, body, and spirit. So why wait? Start embracing these habits today.

Viral video calls ghee a fat burner. Experts fact-check

Next time someone offers you ghee, don't run away from it; instead, add it to your diet. A good fat, ghee is loaded with benefits, but is it a fat burner?

9 fruits low in sugar that diabetics can consume

For individuals managing diabetes, monitoring sugar intake is crucial to maintaining stable blood sugar levels. While fruits are generally high in natural sugars, some varieties are lower in sugar content, making them suitable choices for diabetics. Take a look.

Best exercises: 6 must-try moves to reduce belly fat, keep heart disease, diabetes at bay

Excess belly fat can seriously harm your health. Visceral fat around your organs raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Belly fat can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation, therefore reducing it is essential for your health. A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that a 12-week programme of aerobic and abdominal strengthening exercises, without caloric restriction,...

Nutrition alert: Here’s what a 100-gram serving of makko contains

"The high fibre content of Cape Gooseberries promotes a healthy digestive system by aiding in digestion and preventing constipation," said Guru Prasad Das, Senior Dietitian, CARE Hospitals, Bhubaneswar

Fitness buffs, keep these dosages and duration in mind when consuming creatine

Creatine has proved to be an excellent supplement for strength and muscular endurance, but is it safe for everyone?

Wasim Akram, a diabetic, shares his morning routine: ‘I don’t eat 36 rotis with nihari…’

This is a good breakfast, in general, for everyone without any medical condition, said Dr Nandini Sarwate, chief nutritional advisor, Utopian Drinks

Study Finds How Many Hours Of Sleep You Need Each Night

A study found that optimal health requires over 4 hours of physical activity, 8.3 hours of sleep, 6 hours sitting and 5 hours standing. The researchers looked at the data of nearly 2,000 adults and showed light activity benefits glucose control, suggesting regular breaks from sitting improve metabolism. Read on to know more about the study.

Important Blood Tests All Adults Should Get Done Frequently And Why

As you age, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize your health and well-being. Regular check-ups and blood tests are essential for detecting potential health issues before they become severe. While there are countless blood tests available, some are more crucial than others. Read on to know all about them.

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.

Health Tips Today: Here's how to keep safe, prevent heatstroke during heatwave | Top 7 to-do list

Children, pregnant women, and the elderly are at higher risk of heat stress. UNICEF shares tips to combat the heatwave during this summer season. Prompt action is necessary in case of heatstroke symptoms.

Exercise tips: 10 healthy drinks that boost stamina, help muscles recover faster

Staying properly hydrated is crucial for optimising performance and supporting recovery during physical activity, whether you're hitting the gym, going for a run, or engaging in any other exercise. While water is essential, there are occasions when your body requires more than just plain H2O to fuel itself effectively. So, let’s explore 10 hydrating workout drinks that not only quench your thirst but also provide vital nutrients and electrolytes to assist your fitness journey.Coconut water: Coconut water serves as a natural sports drink, delivering a refreshing and hydrating solution packed with electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium, says Delhi-based fitness trainer Raghav Goyal. With its low calorie and sugar content, coconut water is an excellent option for replenishing lost fluids during vigorous workouts, maintaining hydration levels, and supporting optimal muscle function (Image: Canva)Watermelon juice: Watermelon juice is a delicious and hydrating choice for fitness enthusiasts, boasting a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This beverage helps combat oxidative stress induced by exercise and contains citrulline, which aids in enhancing endurance and reducing post-workout muscle soreness, says Goyal (Image: Canva)Lemon water: Lemon water provides a simple yet effective way to stay hydrated during workouts. Its vitamin C content boosts immunity, while its natural electrolytes replenish those lost through sweat. Additionally, lemon water supports digestion and detoxification, aiding in flushing out toxins from the body (Image: Canva)Green tea: Green tea serves as an excellent pre-workout drink, offering hydration, antioxidants, and a mild energy boost. The catechins found in green tea enhance fat oxidation and improve endurance, while its anti-inflammatory properties aid in faster post-exercise recovery, reducing muscle soreness and promoting overall well-being (Image: Canva) Tart Cherry Juice: Tart cherry juice is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that facilitate muscle recovery and reduce inflammation after workouts. Studies suggest that tart cherry juice may alleviate muscle soreness, thereby enhancing recovery time between training sessions, says Goyal. Its melatonin content also contributes to improved sleep quality, supporting overall workout performance (Image: Canva)Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera juice is a hydrating beverage rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. It supports muscle recovery, immune function, and digestion, making it an ideal choice for post-workout hydration. Aloe vera's anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate exercise-induced muscle aches, promoting faster recovery and reducing discomfort (Image: Canva)Chia seed water: Chia seed water acts as a natural energy booster due to its omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein content. It sustains energy levels during workouts, promotes satiety, and aids in muscle recovery, suggests Goyal. Chia seeds also regulate blood sugar levels and support digestion, making them a valuable addition to your workout routine (Image: Canva)Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk may seem unconventional, but it's a beneficial post-exercise recovery drink. Its combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and electrolytes replenishes glycogen stores, repairs muscle tissue, and restores hydration levels. Additionally, chocolate milk provides essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, and magnesium, supporting bone health and overall recovery (Image: Canva)Fruit-infused water: Fruit-infused water offers a delicious and nutritious way to stay hydrated during workouts. The natural sugars in fruits provide a subtle energy boost, while vitamins and minerals support overall health. Experiment with different fruit combinations to create refreshing beverages that keep you hydrated and motivated throughout your exercise regimen (Image: Canva)

Diabetes increases the risk of kidney disease: Common signs and tests to know

Diabetes complications may include kidney issues like proteinuria, fluid retention, high blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, anaemia, and pregnancy complications, necessitating timely management through lifestyle changes and medications.

Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Power of a Protein-Rich Diet and Regular Exercise

Are you experiencing the familiar struggle of not being able to lose weight despite exercising, controlling your diet, and getting enough sleep? If this sounds like you, there’s no need to worry. It might be time to reconsider your protein intake. Protein is a crucial element for building muscle mass and shedding fat. It is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with fats and carbohydrates. A diet high in protein not only increases...

A woman who never worked out until age 66 says a simple exercise routine helped her lose 50 pounds and stabilize her blood sugar

A 70-year-old woman said starting a simple workout routine transformed her health, helping her balance blood sugar and heal chronic pain.

What is in your protein powder?

A new study suggests that 70% of protein powders on the market might be doing more harm than good.

What is Dementia? Who all are at risks? Here's all you need to know

Dementia is a brain disorder that impairs one's ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is highly prevalent in India.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

Alzheimer's or dehydration? Forgetfulness in old age is more than a symptom

Have you ever noticed a grandparent of yours suddenly acting confused or forgetful? Yes, it is due to old age, but there might be some other factor responsible for it too, one that could be easily remedied.

FLiRT, the new COVID variants are circulating fast: All about symptoms, severity

FLiRT variants, including KP.2, cause concern with symptoms similar to Omicron. Surveillance crucial as variants replace others. Prevention through hygiene, masks, distancing, vaccination, and public health compliance is key to reducing infection risk.

What Happens When You Eat Amla Every Day?

Amla is a fruits rich in nutrients and is known for its health benefits. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it boosts the immune system and promotes skin, hair and heart health. Amla also helps in digestion, regulates blood sugar and improves brain function. Despite benefits, excessive consumption may cause certain side effects. Read on to know what happens when you eat amla everyday.

Irregular Heart Rhythm in Young People: Understanding Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Irregular heart rhythms, which is a surrogate of cardiac arrhythmias, can affect individuals of all ages, including young people. While most of the time symptoms may be seemingly benign, they can have significant implications for heart health and overall well-being. Apparently out of each 100 heart patients, you can presume that 40 patients will definitely have some kind of heartbeat problem related to predominantly irregular heartbeat.Q. What...

Rice water benefits: Here's how effective this hack is for skin and hair

Rice water benefits: Let's dive into the benefits and effectiveness of this amazing hack.

With the skin, without it, or cooked: Find out the best way to eat apples

Apples can alleviate constipation, soothe diarrhea, support a healthy gut microbiome, and offer a range of other nutritional benefits, says consultant dietician and diabetes educator Kanikka Malhotra

Health benefits of quinoa and why you must add this pseudocereal in your daily diet

Quinoa, pronounced 'keen-wa', is celebrated as a nutritional powerhouse within the grains category, renowned for its gluten-free nature and abundant health benefits. Originating from South America, particularly Peru, Chile, and Bolivia, this ancient pseudocereal can be used in multiple ways, captivating the attention of health enthusiasts and chefs alike. Nutritional composition of quinoaQuinoa is rich in protein, fibre, and essential vitamins...

Weight Loss Story: By Doing Strength Training And Walking 15K Steps Daily, This Woman Lost 30 Kilos

Real life weight loss story: A woman, who dealt with body shaming in her growing up years, shares that by avoiding sugar and doing strength training, she was able to transform the way she looked and felt in her skin. Read her story here.

10 powerful herbs & spices for health & wellness

Explore a diverse range of 10 potent herbs and spices known for their medicinal prowess, offering various health and wellness benefits.

Top 5 habits that will keep you young and healthy forever

Here are the simple lifestyle changes you must make to slow down ageing process and look and feel your best even at the age of 50 and beyond.

Should you switch your fitness routine every few months?

Are you struggling to see results despite maintaining a consistent routine? It may be time to shake things up a little

Unveiling the truth behind the Vampire Facial: Harnessing the body's healing powers for radiant skin

The vampire facial, a popular beauty treatment, uses the patient's blood for skin rejuvenation. Despite myths, it's safe when performed in a medical facility. Ongoing research indicates broader applications beyond skincare, such as hair growth and joint pain relief.

Impact of Mental Or Physical Health Challenges on Genz Teens

The mental and physical health challenges faced by GenZ teens are increasingly prevalent, exacerbated by factors like the Covid-19 pandemic and the omnipresence of social media. Academic pressures, FOMO, and sedentary lifestyles contribute to a complex landscape of issues impacting their overall well-being. These challenges, ranging from disrupted routines to unhealthy habits, not only affect academic performance but also strain relationships...

Another perk of weight-loss drugs? Eli Lilly's Zepbound may alleviate sleep apnea, too

The new class of weight-loss drugs isn't just for diabetes and weight loss. Eli Lilly results from a large-scale trial show they can treat sleep apnea.

10 types of oranges and their benefits

Oranges, the superfood marvel, come in diverse types like Navel, Valencia, Blood, Cara Cara, and more. Take a look at the most popular varieties.

Anxiety: Physical Manifestations and How to Keep Anxious Thoughts at Bay

Anxiety is brought on by continual worry and fear of commonplace events. It may manifest as rapid breathing, sweating, and heart rate. Physical effects of anxiety. Anxiety disorders are prone to have an impact on the body. In light of this, therapist Anna Papaioannou says that anxiety may affect practically every system in your body, from head to toe. The sympathetic (fight-flight) response is what causes the physical consequences of anxiety....

Why women suffer from depression more than men

Global awareness of mental health issues, particularly depression, has increased. Women face unique challenges due to the gender gap, societal pressures, and biological factors, leading to higher rates of depression. Support groups play a vital role in empowering women's emotional health.

Tired Of Bloating? This Homemade De-Bloating Juice Is Just For You

With changing food habits and fast-paced lifestyles, many people are experiencing an increase in stomach-related issues. Digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, heartburn, and constipation can be bothersome, and some people may face difficulties in attaining clean bowel movements in the morning. But fret not, there is a natural and refreshing solution at your fingertips in the kitchen that will work like magic. This nutritious concoction...

7 Daily Practices to Keep You Feeling Refreshed and Energised

In a world where energy levels often feel like a finite resource, simple daily habits can make all the difference. With a focus on hydration, movement, and mindfulness, these strategies offer a holistic approach to sustaining vitality throughout the day. Read on to know more.

Best non-dairy foods for bone health

Let's take a look at the best non-dairy foods good for bone health.

Five best exercises that can help you stay fit in your 30s

These five exercises - resistance training, yoga, aerobic activities and functional fitness - work particularly well when you hit your 30s.

55% Covidshield recipients had mild side effects: AMCH study

GUWAHATI: A study conducted by physician-scientists from Assam Medical College Hospital (Dibrugarh), supported by ICMR-recognised multidisciplinary research laboratory, has revealed that 55% of Covishield vaccine recipients experienced only minor side effects like fever and headache. These symptoms occurred within a week of getting inoculated with ...

Kombucha To Bone Broth: 7 Gut-Healing Drinks You Need To Try

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, attention turns to the gut, where the balance of microorganisms plays a pivotal role. From the probiotic power of kombucha to the soothing properties of ginger tea, each drink offers a unique avenue for supporting gut wellness. By incorporating these flavourful options into daily routines, you can take proactive steps toward cultivating a healthier microbiome and overall vitality.

What is a whole30 diet? What to eat and what to avoid in this?

Whole30 Diet, a 30-day plan by Melissa Hartwig Urban and Dallas Hartwig, focuses on whole foods and eliminates inflammatory ones for body reset. Strict guidelines aim at improving overall health and well-being. Whole30 has gained popularity for its strict guidelines and emphasis on improving overall health and well-being. It is a spin-off of the Paleo diet.

5 important questions to ask your doctor before considering Bariatric Surgery for weight loss

Before deciding to proceed with weight loss surgery or Bariatric Surgery, here are a few things that patients should discuss with their doctor

A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.