A mere scratch on the head can reveal more than just an itch; it can uncover dandruff, those pesky white flakes that cascade from the scalp like snowfall. Coupled with an incessant itch, these signs are not only discomforting but also signal towards underlying scalp issues that demand attention.

Dandruffand itchy scalp can arise from various factors, including dry skin, fungal infections, sensitivity to hair products, or even an imbalance in the scalp's natural oils, says Dr Gitika Sanodia Biyani,  Dermatologist and Trichologist, Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai.

Dr Biyani shares effective tips to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp:

Choose your shampoo carefully: Opt for shampoos containing ingredients like selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or salicylic acid. These elements combat the fungal culprits responsible for dandruff formation. Use the shampoo at least twice a week for desired  results.

Clean your scalp regularly: Ensure regular cleansing of your scalp by washing your hair two to three times a week. Adjust the frequency based on your scalp's condition, follow your dermatologist's recommendations and maintain scalp hygiene.

Massage your scalp: Take your hair-washing game to the next level by giving your scalp the attention it deserves. As you cleanse, treat yourself to a soothing scalp massage with your fingertips to exfoliate dead skin cells and boost blood flow. This simple ritual breathes new life into your scalp and encourages healthier hair growth and better scalp health.

Thorough rinsing and temperature control: Bid farewell to hot water showers, which strip the scalp of its natural oils, exacerbating dandruff woes. Opt for cold or lukewarm water to retain moisture. After shampooing and conditioning, ensure thorough rinsing to prevent product residue accumulation, a breeding ground for scalp issues.

Watch your diet: Embrace a diet rich in zinc, vitamins, and minerals, particularly vitamin B12 and fatty acids, to fortify hair health from the inside out. Hydration plays a pivotal role; aim for eight to ten glasses of water daily to combat dryness and diminish dandruff's grip on your scalp.

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