

Healthy Diet: Superfoods That Help Manage Weight Loss, Heart Health, Diabetes

A diet rich in essential nutrients such as fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help keep away heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Read on to know some superfoods that help in weight loss, diabetes and health.

Viral video calls ghee a fat burner. Experts fact-check

Next time someone offers you ghee, don't run away from it; instead, add it to your diet. A good fat, ghee is loaded with benefits, but is it a fat burner?

Senior citizens do bhangra for fitness in Chandigarh

A group of senior citizens in Chandigarh have started a health initiative that involves dancing to bhangra tunes early morning every day for fitness.

Lose weight naturally with these 9 summer foods that also keep you hydrated, beat the heat

Including nutrient-rich and hydrating summer foods into your diet not only supports healthy weight loss but also ensures you stay nourished and energised, says Madhura Paroolkar Behki, Head Nutritionist and Dietician at Cult Transform. She emphasises the importance of selecting foods that not only aid in weight loss but also help manage the sweltering heat. If you are wondering what you should eat this summer to achieve double benefits like weight loss and heat management, Behki has some suggestions for you (Image: Canva)Watermelon: This juicy delight is not only a summer staple but also aids in weight loss. Packed with fibre, watermelon provides satiety while keeping calorie intake in check, with 90 percent of its weight comprising water. Additionally, it contains arginine, an amino acid that aids in fat burning, making it a perfect addition to salads or paired with feta cheese for a refreshing twist (Image: Canva)Cucumbers: With just 16 calories per cup, cucumbers are the epitome of low-calorie foods. Their high water and fibre content make them ideal for promoting a feeling of fullness while acting as natural detoxifiers. Whether enjoyed as a raita with curd or combined with iceberg lettuce, cucumbers offer a crisp and hydrating addition to summer meals (Image: Canva)Ice apple: Rich in fibre, ice apples support digestion and act as natural diuretics, aiding in flushing out excess water from the body. With 87 percent water content, they are a guilt-free indulgence for those managing their sweet cravings during weight loss endeavours (Image: Canva)Yoghurt: Yoghurt's protein content makes it an excellent snack choice for weight loss, while its gut-cooling properties offer relief from summer heat. Low in carbs, yogurt can be enjoyed topped with nuts or blended into refreshing buttermilk for a nourishing treat (Image: Canva)Bottle gourd: Fibre-rich and low in calories, bottle gourd helps in prolonged satiety and easy digestion. Its low glycemic index makes it an ideal vegetable for diabetic individuals. Include it into dal khichadi or enjoy it as a soothing soup for a nourishing meal option (Image: Canva) Corn: High in fibre, corn helps reduce appetite and promote fullness, while its probiotic properties support metabolism and digestion. Additionally, it is packed with potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin A, and can be steamed and enjoyed in salads for a flavourful and nutritious meal (Image: Canva)Iced green tea: With its fat-burning properties and ability to boost metabolic rate, iced green tea serves as a refreshing alternative to sugary drinks. Add a slice of lime for a zesty twist and enjoy its rejuvenating benefits throughout the summer (Image: Canva)Kokum fruit: The hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in kokum is good for appetite suppression and weight loss, while its anti-inflammatory properties soothe digestion and cool the gut. Indulge in kokum juice or savour solkadi for a tangy and nutritious addition to your summer diet (Image: Canva)Guava: Guava's high fibre content keeps hunger at bay while its vitamin C content boosts metabolic rate. With antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation, guava makes for a satisfying salad or a frozen dessert for guilt-free indulgence (Image: Canva)

10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall

Here are 10 medical reasons behind too much hair fall.

5 deliciously healthy beetroot recipes for vibrant and nutritious meals

Discover the goodness of beets with our collection of five healthy and tasty recipes. From salads to desserts, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

10 healthy habits of mentally strong children

1.0 healthy habits of mentally strong children

Heat stroke: Do’s and don’ts to stay safe

Rising temperatures pose heat stroke risks. Dr. (inputs requested), Bhailal Amin General Hospital advises hydrating, dressing light, taking breaks, using cooling measures, recognizing symptoms. Avoid strenuous activities, seek medical help, prevent dehydration. Prioritize air conditioning, limit alcohol and caffeine, prevent hot car risks.

What is in your protein powder?

A new study suggests that 70% of protein powders on the market might be doing more harm than good.

9 everyday things that keep the brain healthy

Adding these nine simple habits into your daily routine can go a long way in promoting brain health and cognitive function. Small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. So start today and give your brain the care it deserves!

Fitness coach lists 5 snacks she eats ‘on repeat’; find out what they are

Whether you're craving something sweet, savoury, or crunchy, there's a healthy snack option to satisfy your cravings

Best hair oils: These 9 oils will nourish, protect, and shine your hair in summer

Summer brings with it a myriad of hair woes, including dryness, frizz, breakage, and scalp irritation. Exposure to UV rays can lead to protein damage in the hair shaft, resulting in dryness and brittleness. Additionally, the humidity can cause the hair to swell, leading to frizz and loss of definition in curls or waves. It's essential to follow a proper hair care routine to combat these issues and keep your locks looking and feeling their best.One effective way to maintain good hair health is through the practice of hair oiling. This ancient practice involves massaging herbal oils into the scalp and hair to nourish, strengthen, and protect the strands. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), regular oiling can help improve hair texture, reduce breakage, and promote hair health Here are 9 different herbal oils that can help keep your locks luscious this summer (Image: Canva)Coconut oil: A go-to oil, it is a powerhouse when it comes to hair care. Coconut oil creates a protective layer around the hair, sealing the cuticle and locking in moisture.. According to studies cited by the NIH, coconut oil can help prevent protein loss in the hair, making it an excellent choice for combating dryness and damage (Image: Canva)Argan oil: Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids, argan oil is known for its moisturising and nourishing properties. It helps repair damaged hair, reduce frizz, and add shine. Research suggests that argan oil can improve hair elasticity and protect against environmental damage (Image: Canva)Jojoba oil: It closely resembles the natural oils produced by the scalp, making it an excellent choice for balancing oil production and moisturising the hair and scalp. Studies have shown that jojoba oil can help improve hair texture, reduce dandruff, and promote hair growth (Image: Canva)Olive oil: Research suggests that olive oil can improve hair softness and manageability. It is rich in vitamins E and K, and also antioxidants, which help to nourish and strengthen the hair. Beaides, it beneficial for dry, damaged hair, as it helps restore moisture and prevent breakage (Image: Canva)Almond oil: A oil that is lightweight and easily absorbed, almond oil is ideal for all hair types. Almond oil contains fatty acids with double bonds that shield against UV damage. It softens and moisturizes dry hair as an emollient. Additionally, it boosts hair elasticity by filling gaps between cuticle cells (Image: Canva)Castor oil: Castor oil offers multiple hair care benefits. Its moisturising effect, attributed to ricinoleic acid, hydrates the hair. The oil's fatty acids deeply nourish the hair follicle. As per a study in NIH, the ricin and ricinoleic acid in castor oil provide germicidal and fungicidal properties, protecting against infections. In androgenetic alopecia, ricinoleic acid may promote hair growth by inhibiting prostaglandin D2 synthase (Image: Canva)Avocado oil: It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the hair. It helps repair damage, smooth frizz, and promote shine. Research indicates that avocado oil can penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen the strands from within (Image: Canva)Amla oil: It possess antifungal properties against various fungi, attributed to unsaturated C18 fatty acids. It contains antioxidants like Vitamin C, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and tannins, which absorb reactive oxygen species (ROS), thus potentially preventing graying of hair. Additionally, it demonstrates potent antibacterial activity against various bacteria (Image: Canva)Rosemary oil: This oil helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, and may also promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Studies have shown that rosemary oil can help increase hair thickness and density (Image: Canva)

10 Health Benefits Of Cutting Carbohydrates From Your Diet

While carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet, reducing carb intake can offer numerous health benefits, ranging from improved blood sugar control and weight loss to enhanced heart health and mental clarity. By taking a balanced approach to carb intake, you can optimize your health and well-being for the long term. Read on to know ten health benefits of cutting carbs.

Vitamin D shots: How good or bad they are

Calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D are essential for healthy bones and muscles. Vitamin D also modulates inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D, but various factors can affect its production. Besides sunlight, vitamin D can be obtained from certain foods and supplements. Vitamin D injections are prescribed for severe deficiency or absorption issues. They can improve bone health, muscle...

Best exercises: 6 must-try moves to reduce belly fat, keep heart disease, diabetes at bay

Excess belly fat can seriously harm your health. Visceral fat around your organs raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Belly fat can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation, therefore reducing it is essential for your health. A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that a 12-week programme of aerobic and abdominal strengthening exercises, without caloric restriction,...

What are the side effects of melatonin that everyone should know

Struggling with sleeplessness? Explore melatonin, a hormone aiding in regulating sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin, a hormone and dietary supplement commonly used as a sleep aid, has both benefits and potential side effects. While it's generally safe, it's crucial to be aware of these potential drawbacks. Here is all you need to know about the world of melatonin and some side effects everyone should know.

10 powerful herbs & spices for health & wellness

Explore a diverse range of 10 potent herbs and spices known for their medicinal prowess, offering various health and wellness benefits.

High Blood Sugar Levels Can Lead To Frozen Shoulder In People Suffering From Diabetes; Know How

According to studies, people suffering from diabetes are up to twice as likely to suffer from frozen shoulders, mostly due to the effects of collagen, which holds the bones together in a joint. Collagen gets triggered by the presence of high blood sugars and becomes sticky when sugar molecules become attached, leading to restricted movements and the shoulder starting to stiffen. Read on to know more.

Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Power of a Protein-Rich Diet and Regular Exercise

Are you experiencing the familiar struggle of not being able to lose weight despite exercising, controlling your diet, and getting enough sleep? If this sounds like you, there’s no need to worry. It might be time to reconsider your protein intake. Protein is a crucial element for building muscle mass and shedding fat. It is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with fats and carbohydrates. A diet high in protein not only increases...

Quit Smoking Naturally: Foods To Help Beat Nicotine Cravings

Quitting smoking can be a tough journey, with nicotine cravings often posing a formidable challenge. However, a natural approach to combating these cravings may lie in the foods we consume. Hence, we have listed down certain foods that may help in reducing those nicotine cravings and may help you quit smoking.

Sanofi introduces diabetes drug Soliqua in India | N18S | CNBC TV18

Sanofi India introduces diabetes drug 'Soliqua' at ₹1,850 per pen. The company introduced the medication after receiving the marketing authorisation from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) earlier last year. Ekta Batra details#diabetes #drug #cnbctv18digital #Medicine

Important Blood Tests All Adults Should Get Done Frequently And Why

As you age, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize your health and well-being. Regular check-ups and blood tests are essential for detecting potential health issues before they become severe. While there are countless blood tests available, some are more crucial than others. Read on to know all about them.

Nutrition alert: One muskmelon (about 552 grams) contains…

Avoid juices, smoothies or desserts made with muskmelon, as these can be very high in calories and contain a high amount of sugar, said Rutu Dhodapkar, Dietetics Team, P D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar

8 simple things that give immense positive and healthy energy

Adding these eight simple practices into your daily routine can help you unlock a wealth of positive energy and vitality, allowing you to live life to the fullest and thrive in mind, body, and spirit. So why wait? Start embracing these habits today.

Rice water benefits: Here's how effective this hack is for skin and hair

Rice water benefits: Let's dive into the benefits and effectiveness of this amazing hack.

Best exercises: 7 short but effective routines to reach your fitness goals even with a busy schedule

You might argue that your life is too hectic to fit in exercise, but remember, excuses will not get you far. Prioritising your health is essential, as they say, "health is wealth" for a reason. Spoorthi S, Fitness Expert at Cult shares some quick workouts that are designed especially for you if you are juggling the rigors of a busy lifestyle. "These exercises provide doable ways to maintain an active and motivated lifestyle even in the middle of the workday," says the expert (Image: Canva)Walking: Probably the easiest yet least appreciated type of exercise, the best thing about walking is that it does not take a lot of time, only requires minimal equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. Moreover, walking can be a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and reduce stress. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break or a stroll around the neighborhood after dinner (Image: Canva)HIIT (High-intensity interval training): Perfect for busy schedules, it involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. These workouts are super effective and keep burning calories even after you are done, thanks to the "afterburn" effect (Image: Canva)Stretching: The simple act of stretching often gets overlooked. However, it is really important for staying flexible and avoiding injuries, especially if you tend to sit a lot. You can stretch almost anywhere – on the couch, at your desk, or while waiting for the kettle to boil. Even just a little bit of stretching each day can help reduce stress, fix your posture, and make you feel better (Image: Canva)Tabata: In just four minutes, Tabata delivers maximum results with 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for eight rounds. It torches calories, boosts metabolism, and improves cardiovascular fitness, making it perfect for your busy days (Image Canva)Mobility workouts: Your body can suffer from spending a lot of time standing or stooping over a desk. A quick mobility exercise session, lasting 15 to 20 minutes, can significantly reduce the aches and pains that come with leading a busy lifestyle. To increase the range of motion and lessen pain, concentrate on exercises that target the hips, shoulders, and spine; areas that are prone to stiffness (Image: Canva)Running: Put on your shoes and head outside, or onto the treadmill if you have to. Running is a great way to fit in a cardio exercise, even if you only have 20 or 60 minutes to spare. It not only increases heart rate and blood flow, but it also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can improve mood and reduce stress (Image: Unsplash)Full body: A full-body bodyweight workout is your best bet when you are pressed for time. These exercises use only your body weight as resistance to work all of the major muscle groups. Consider exercises like planks, lunges, squats, and push-ups that are all done in a circuit to increase efficiency. They not only increase strength and burn calories, but they also enhance functional fitness, which makes completing daily tasks simpler (Image: Canva)

Nutrition alert: Here’s what a 100-gram serving of persimmon contains

Kanikka Malhotra, consultant dietician and diabetes educator explains the benefits of this delicious orange-coloured fruit, and how to best consume it

How Does Low Blood Sugar Levels Impact Your Body?

Low blood sugar is a condition wherein your glucose levels in the blood fall below the normal levels. It is important that you manage your blood sugar levels effectively with diet, exercise and medicines. Like hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia also has effects on the body. Read on to know how hypoglycemia impacts your body.

A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.

Dipika Kakar talks about taking small steps on staying healthy; says 'Not aiming at any weight loss'

Dipika Kakar addressed pregnancy speculation, emphasized healthy eating over weight loss in vlogs. She mentioned son Ruhaan, oatmeal-based milkshake, eating habits, misinterpretation, Shoaib Ibrahim, Khatron Ke Khiladi, sugar intake, and slow approach to health.

Irregular Heart Rhythm in Young People: Understanding Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Irregular heart rhythms, which is a surrogate of cardiac arrhythmias, can affect individuals of all ages, including young people. While most of the time symptoms may be seemingly benign, they can have significant implications for heart health and overall well-being. Apparently out of each 100 heart patients, you can presume that 40 patients will definitely have some kind of heartbeat problem related to predominantly irregular heartbeat.Q. What...

Impact of Mental Or Physical Health Challenges on Genz Teens

The mental and physical health challenges faced by GenZ teens are increasingly prevalent, exacerbated by factors like the Covid-19 pandemic and the omnipresence of social media. Academic pressures, FOMO, and sedentary lifestyles contribute to a complex landscape of issues impacting their overall well-being. These challenges, ranging from disrupted routines to unhealthy habits, not only affect academic performance but also strain relationships...

What is a whole30 diet? What to eat and what to avoid in this?

Whole30 Diet, a 30-day plan by Melissa Hartwig Urban and Dallas Hartwig, focuses on whole foods and eliminates inflammatory ones for body reset. Strict guidelines aim at improving overall health and well-being. Whole30 has gained popularity for its strict guidelines and emphasis on improving overall health and well-being. It is a spin-off of the Paleo diet.

Kerala reports 10 cases of West Nile Virus: All you need to know

Of the 10 infections in Kerala, nine have recovered while one is under treatment at a private hospital in Kozhikode

Bharti Singh Hospitalized For Urgent Surgery Gallbladder Stones

New Delhi, May 5 -- Bharti Singh shares her emotional journey dealing with gallbladder stones and her urgent surgery. From her hospital bed, Bharti discusses the pain of being away from her son and the support she's received from her husband and fans.

Unveiling the truth behind the Vampire Facial: Harnessing the body's healing powers for radiant skin

The vampire facial, a popular beauty treatment, uses the patient's blood for skin rejuvenation. Despite myths, it's safe when performed in a medical facility. Ongoing research indicates broader applications beyond skincare, such as hair growth and joint pain relief.

5 simple ways to stay healthy, avoid sickness, and feel energized during your next business trip

Health and travel experts recommend tips for staying healthy while business-traveling, including staying hydrated and doing low-impact exercises.

Why Do My Shoulders Click, Pop Or Crack? Easy Ways To Manage The Conditions

Cracking, clicking, and popping sounds are quite common in your joints. According to doctors, there are various reasons why this happens, and they need to be treated immediately to prevent further issues. Read on to know the causes and how you can treat it.

Why women suffer from depression more than men

Global awareness of mental health issues, particularly depression, has increased. Women face unique challenges due to the gender gap, societal pressures, and biological factors, leading to higher rates of depression. Support groups play a vital role in empowering women's emotional health.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

8 fruits to eat for a glowing skin this summer

Fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and hydration, which nourish the skin from within, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

Five best exercises that can help you stay fit in your 30s

These five exercises - resistance training, yoga, aerobic activities and functional fitness - work particularly well when you hit your 30s.

A woman who never worked out until age 66 says a simple exercise routine helped her lose 50 pounds and stabilize her blood sugar

A 70-year-old woman said starting a simple workout routine transformed her health, helping her balance blood sugar and heal chronic pain.

Mango To Litchi, Fruits To Avoid If You Are Diabetic

Diabetes is a serious health issue that can be controlled but not completely cured. Maintaining a healthy diet along with regular workouts can help to maintain the diabetes level, while keeping the body active and strong. Around 10.1 crore people suffer from diabetes in India. Doctors suggest various methods to reduce the increasing blood sugar level. Fruits are generally considered beneficial for health, but some fruits can increase the blood...

Fatigue, anxiety, low self-esteem are signs you are mentally and physically affected by loneliness

Feeling disconnected from others is more than just an emotional state—it can profoundly impact both your mental and physical well-being. Loneliness isn't merely a fleeting feeling; it can manifest in various ways, creeping into your daily life and affecting your health in significant ways. Let’s explore the signs that indicate you may be experiencing the effects of loneliness on both your mind and body: Mental signs of lonelinessPersistent...

6 benefits of drinking black coffee every morning

For many, the ritual of starting the day with a steaming cup of black coffee isn't just about the rich aroma or the bold taste; it's a cherished tradition that kickstarts their morning routine for many more reasons. Beyond its comforting allure, black coffee boasts a plethora of health benefits that have been celebrated for centuries. From its antioxidant properties to its potential to enhance cognitive function, here's a deep dive into why...

Weight Loss Story: This Woman Ditched Gluten And Dairy And Lost 20 Kgs In 6 Months

Real life weight loss story: A woman shares how she dealt with a host of health issues like PCOS, an autoimmune condition, depression and irritable bowel syndrome. With her back against the wall, she had a hope in her heart to live life to fullest again, and she did make her wish come true by losing 20 kgs and becoming healthy again.

Can heatwave affect your sugar levels? Tips for people with diabetes to beat the heat

As heatwave grips Mumbai, Pune, and other parts of the country, people with diabetes need to watch out for symptoms of heatstroke and uncontrolled sugar levels.

What is Dementia? Who all are at risks? Here's all you need to know

Dementia is a brain disorder that impairs one's ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interfere with everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is highly prevalent in India.

Keep your gut healthy with these summer drinks: From kombucha to kefir, ginger lemon iced tea, coconut water and more

Summer brings with it an array of delightful and refreshing beverages that not only quench your thirst but also support your gut health. Imagine stepping into a world of fizzy teas, creamy elixirs, and vibrant blends, each crafted to nurture your body from within. These drinks are not just ordinary thirst quenchers; they are a symphony of flavors and health benefits that cater to your digestive wellness. Let’s take a look at some of the coolest drinks that can not only taste delicious but is also magical for your gut health and easy digestion (Image: Canva)Kombucha: An ancient drink, kombucha is filled with good bacteria called probiotics, which are important for a healthy gut, says nutritionist Radhika Arora of HealthyEating. It's a fizzy tea that comes in many tasty flavours, like fruity or tangy.Kefir: Packed with good bacteria called probiotics, kefir is made from dairy. Its smooth texture and slightly tangy taste make it a yummy summer drink. You can drink it plain or mix it with fruits, says Arora. When you sip on kefir, you're not just enjoying a tasty treat—you're also giving your gut the good bacteria it needs to stay healthy and balanced (Image: Canva)Lemon Ginger Iced Tea: This cool drink isn't just for summer refreshment; it's secretly good for your digestion too. Lemon and ginger are well-known for helping with digestion. When you drink this tea, your stomach feels soothed and your digestion gets a little help, giving your gut a gentle boost each time you take a sip (Image: Canva)Coconut water: This one isn't just a refreshing drink for hot days but is also full of prebiotics. These are like food for the good bacteria in your gut, helping them grow and stay healthy. Coconut water is also rich in electrolytes, which are great for when you need to replace fluids on a really hot summer day. (Image: Canva)Water Kefir: It is like regular kefir but made with water instead of milk. It's packed with helpful bacteria that are good for your gut. You can make it even tastier by adding fruits like berries or citrus. This yummy drink gives your gut a boost of probiotics to keep it healthy and balanced (Image: Canva)Green smoothies: This green smoothie is packed with things that are good for your gut. When you add a spoonful of yogurt or kefir, it makes it even better for your gut. The fiber from the greens and fruits helps your digestion work well, and the probiotics from the yogurt or kefir keep your gut healthy. It's a tasty way to take care of your tummy (Image: Canva)Aloe Vera Juice: Famous for its soothing and healing abilities, aloe vera juice is a gentle tonic for both your body and your gut. When you mix it with lemon, which is good for digestion, and a touch of honey for sweetness, aloe vera juice becomes a refreshing drink that helps to calm the stomach and keep your digestion feeling good. It's a gentle and refreshing way to support your gut health (Image: Canva)