Our mental health is crucial for how we handle our emotions, cope with stress, and maintain a positive outlook. Studies demonstrate that when we prioritise our mental health, it brings numerous benefits. It allows us to find joy in life, navigate challenging situations more effectively, reach our aspirations, and cultivate healthier relationships. Taking care of our mental health involves recognising and addressing our emotions in healthy ways, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care activities that promote a sense of well-being.

Making mental health a priority is an investment in our happiness, resilience, and ability to thrive amidst life's ups and downs.

Understanding stress

We all feel pushed from time to time — it's a normal response to things happening in our lives. Sometimes, a little pressure can actually be good. It can make us more focused, alert, and full of energy. But when stress sticks around too much or gets too big, it can be bad for both our bodies and minds, says psychologist Neha Kumar.

What is a burnout?

Burnout is when we feel completely worn out. It affects us mentally, physically, and emotionally. People experiencing burnout often find it hard to enjoy things they used to love. They might lose interest in important parts of life and start feeling like things won't get better.

Spotting the signs

Burnout can show up in different ways. Here are some signs to look out for:

Physical signs:

Headaches: When your head hurts often.

Stomach-aches or digestive issues: When your stomach feels upset a lot.

Feeling tired: Being exhausted all the time.

Getting sick often: Getting sick more than usual.

Changes in eating or sleeping habits: Eating much more or less, or sleeping too much or too little.

Emotional signs:

Feeling helpless: Feeling like you can't do anything about problems.

Being critical: Always seeing the negative side.

Feeling like a failure: Thinking you can't do anything right.

Not happy with things: Not finding joy in things you used to like.

Feeling lonely: Feeling disconnected from others.

Losing motivation: Finding it hard to get going or stay interested.

Behavioral signs:

Not doing well in daily tasks: Not doing your regular activities as well as before.

Keeping to yourself: Wanting to be alone more often.

Procrastinating: Putting off tasks more than usual.

Getting emotional easily: Having strong emotional reactions.

Using things to cope: Turning to substances like alcohol or drugs to deal with feelings.

When we notice these signs, it's important to take steps to take care of ourselves. Talking to someone we trust, taking breaks, and finding activities that make us happy can all help us feel better. It's all about finding balance, adjusting, and knowing when to ask for help if we need it.

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