When it comes to eating well, balance is key, especially with carbohydrates. These vital nutrients are essential for providing our bodies with energy, but understanding which ones to choose can sometimes be tricky. Carbohydrates are commonly found in foods like bread, pasta, and fruits, and they play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being.

Dispelling the myth that all carbs are bad, it's more about making informed choices. Whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, are considered better options because they contain more fibre and essential nutrients.

These "good carbs" not only keep our bodies feeling good but also help us stay fuller for longer periods. On the flip side, refined carbs like white bread and sugary snacks lack the beneficial components found in whole grains. They can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, leading to subsequent crashes, leaving us feeling tired and hungry soon after, says Bengaluru-based dietician Meera Kumar. Here are her list of 10 healthiest carbohydrate sources.

Quinoa: Quinoa stands out as a complete protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids our bodies need. Rich in fibre and antioxidants, it helps fight inflammation and promotes overall health.

Oats: A breakfast favorite, oats are packed with both soluble and insoluble fibre , promoting digestive health and satiety. Beta-glucan in oats can help lower cholesterol levels, supporting heart health.

Strawberries: Sweet and low-calorie, strawberries are rich in antioxidants, protecting our cells from damage. They're also a great source of fibre, aiding digestion and keeping us satisfied.

Black beans: A fantastic source of fiber and protein, black beans promote heart health by lowering cholesterol and stabilising blood sugar levels. They're a staple in vegetarian and vegan diets.

Pasta: Opting for whole grain pasta provides fiber and protein without added salt or sugar. This option helps keep you full and satisfied for longer periods.

Lentils: Versatile and packed with nutrients, lentils contain carbohydrates, protein, fiber, iron, and vitamin B6. They're beneficial for heart health, digestion, and as a meat alternative.

Milk: A classic beverage, milk offers carbohydrates, protein, calcium, and magnesium essential for bone health and overall well-being. Low-fat or non-fat varieties make it a healthier choice.

Pears: Portable and nutritious, pears are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Their high fibre content aids digestion and promotes satiety.

Sweet potatoes: Beta-carotene-rich sweet potatoes offer a healthier alternative to regular potatoes. They convert to vitamin A in the body, supporting immunity and eye health, along with providing fiber and essential nutrients.

Brown rice: Brown rice is a better alternative to white rice, offering more nutrients and fiber. It supports better digestion and overall health compared to its refined counterpart.

Also, here are arbs to avoid and their healthy alternatives

Sugary drinks: Instead of sugary sodas or juices, opt for sparkling water or lightly sweetened teas for hydration without excess sugar and calories.

White bread: Whole grain or whole wheat bread is a better choice over white bread due to its higher fibre and nutrient content, stabilising blood sugar levels and providing longer-lasting energy.

French fries and potato chips: Choose sweet potato or black bean chips as healthier alternatives to traditional potato chips. They offer more fibre and nutrients while satisfying cravings for something crunchy.

Cookies, cakes, and pastries: Fresh, frozen, or dried fruit can be satisfying substitutes for sugary treats, providing natural sweetness along with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


Candy, chocolate, and ice cream: Fresh fruit is an excellent option for satisfying a sweet tooth, offering natural sugars, vitamins, and antioxidants without the excess sugar found in many processed sweets.

White rice: Opt for brown rice or quinoa over white rice for more nutrients and fibre, promoting better digestion and overall health.

Flavoured yogurts: Mix fresh or frozen fruit with plain yogurt as a healthier alternative to flavored options, adding natural sweetness and additional nutrients without the added sugars.

Sugary cereals: Choose whole-grain cereals or unprocessed oatmeal over sugary versions for more fibre and nutrients without excessive added sugars.

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