The summer season has commenced, bringing forth the agonising heat with it, especially in our country. As we deal with such an unavoidable situation, a question arises. It asks how high can a human body’s temperature go. What is the limit?

As per the reports, meteorological departments worldwide have warned that this year, the summer is going to be at its peak in the northern hemisphere. During this time, how much of the heat can our body tolerate?

According to more information, the healthy or ideal temperature of a human body must have to be around 36.5 to 37 degrees Celsius. However, if the body temperature goes as high as 41 degrees Celsius, the individual is at risk of heat stroke. Heat stroke is a condition of the body when regulating the temperature is not possible. It can even be fatal and lead to death without proper treatment.

As we discuss the maximum temperature our body can tolerate, we must also keep in mind how long it can withstand these temperatures. Moreover, the scientists say that the moisture in the surroundings is also an important factor. According to them, high temperatures with high moisture can be very dangerous for the body.

For a country like India, the body’s temperature above 40 degrees Celsius could start being a problem. The Indian meteorological department says that temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius can become fatal for the body. The body temperature also depends on factors like the temperature of our environment, humidity and the oxygen supply.

For other countries, the temperature varies, as per the reports. As the Indian population can withstand temperatures as high as 45 degrees Celsius, temperatures like 25 to 30 degrees Celsius are considered extreme, in a country like Britain. For them, such temperatures can cause extreme heat. Furthermore, the age and overall health of an individual also determine their body’s maximum temperature.

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