

7 Healthy Ways To Add Coconut Water To Your Diet This Summer

Coconut water is a nutritious and hydrating beverage made from young coconuts. It contains essential vitamins, minerals and electrolytes and is a natural alternative to sugary sports drinks or artificially flavoured beverages. Incorporating coconut water into your daily diet can bring numerous health benefits and boost your overall well-being. Here are seven creative and refreshing ways to drink coconut water and incorporate it into your daily...

High Blood Pressure Treatment: 5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make To Manage High BP

High blood pressure can be a cause of several health conditions, such as stroke and heart attack among several others. Hence, the condition is also known to be a ‘silent killer’. If you have extremely high blood pressure, your doctor will prescribe medications. However, high BP can also be managed by making certain lifestyle changes. Read on to know the changes you should make to manage high BP.

ICMR Reveals Ideal Duration Of Sleep, Exercise And Work

Maintaining overall well-being requires a balanced approach towards sleep, work, and exercise. Hence, ICMR has provided guidelines that state the ideal duration of sleep, exercise and work one must follow to live a healthy life. Read on to know more.

Botox vs dermal fillers: All you need to know

After Rajkummar Rao recently opened up on getting chin fillers, netizens were quick to share their two cents but some also commended the actor for being vocal about his decision to feel more confident. Before Rao, many actors talked about undergoing cosmetic enhancements while highlighting the need to normalise personal decisions about one’s aesthetic appearance whether it comes from Botox or fillers. Confused about the different types of...

What Do You Mean By Pulse Pressure and What Should Yours Be?

Pulse pressure is the difference between the upper and lower levels of your blood pressure, which is a big indicator of your health problems before you develop any symptoms. Doctors say it is important to manage it, otherwise, it can lead to many life-threatening heart issues like heart attacks and strokes. Read on to know more.

Singapore Advises Masks In Public Areas As 25,000 Cases Of New COVID-19 Variant Reported

A new Covid-19 strain has taken over Singapore and has created panic in the country. Over 25,000 cases have been reported and the Health ministry has advised people to wear masks and take booster shots of Covid-19 vaccination. We have listed some tips to keep yourself safe. Read on to know more.

ICMR says avoid milk tea; suggests when to drink tea and coffee, raises concern over excess consumption in new guideline

The new guidelines by the ICMR suggests avoiding milk tea and advises tea and coffee consumers on when to drink them and the ideal quantity. See inside.

9 benefits of having watermelon and how to check if it’s injected with colour

Watermelon offers hydration, nutrients, and health benefits like heart health, weight management, and improved digestion. Check for injected colors by inspecting the rind, flesh, smell, taste, and hardness.

How Adding Falsa To You Diet Can Contribute To Overall Health

Falsa (Phalsa) also known as the Indian Sherbet berry is a seasonal plant and the fruits are usually eaten during the summer season. From being rich in iron to having a sweet and sour taste, falsa is a nutritious fruit. By including this exotic fruit into your diet you can alleviate a lot of health problems. Read on to know more.

8 benefits of drinking amla juice regularly, a tangy potion to boost immunity, keep hair healthy

Extracted from the Indian gooseberry, amla juice boasts a plethora of health advantages, making it a popular choice for those seeking a natural boost. From bolstering immunity to enhancing skin health, the virtues of consuming amla juice regularly are plentiful. Let’s look at the many benefits this tangy potion offers: Immunity booster: Strengthen your body's defence mechanism with amla juice. Packed with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, amla...

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

Eye care during a beach vacation: Tips to protect eyes from sun, sand and water

Ensure eye protection from sunlight, sand, and water by wearing sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen. Stay hydrated and take breaks to prevent eye fatigue and maintain good eye health.

What happens to your body when you eat fish every day?

Let's dive into the potential impacts on your body, exploring both the good and the not-so-good.

7 tips to hydrate your skin the right way, according to skincare experts

To have optimal hydration isn’t as easy or simple as applying moisturiser periodically. Here are 7 tips with comprehensive approach to hydrate skin effectively

Piles: Causes, Symptoms And How To Treat Them

Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are swollen blood vessels that develop inside or around the anus. It often happens because of excessive strain during your bowel movements or when you are constipated. While they often get better within a few days, they may also pester a patient for a long period and make it difficult for them to go to the loo. With time, this problem is seen both in older and younger generations.Piles usually look like...

All you need to know about that bump at the base of your neck (including when to see a doctor)

Is the neck or buffalo hump an indication of high cortisol levels in your body? Here s what an expert has to say about this condition

Work-life balance: 10 essential tips for achieving harmony in sleep, work and life

Sleep is not just a luxury; it is a biological need. Your body relies on sleep to rejuvenate, repair, and regulate essential functions. Good sleep helps your brains work better, boosts your mood, keeps your immune system strong, and lowers your chances of getting sick. On the other hand, balancing work and personal life is also vital for staying healthy. It helps you feel less stressed, avoid getting too tired, and keeps your relationships...

10 benefits of eating 1 Khajoor everyday

Incorporating just one date or khajoor into your daily diet can provide a wide array of health benefits, ranging from improved digestive health to enhanced brain function and heart health.

Early symptoms of shingles that you must not ignore

Shingles, caused by the Varicella-zoster virus from chickenpox, affects nerves, heart, eyes, and the brain in ageing adults. Treatment includes antiviral meds, painkillers, and steroids prescribed by a doctor.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies To Reduce Iron Deficiency

Anaemia is a prevalent health condition in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin levels drops below the normal level in our body. Haemoglobin is a necessary iron-bound protein which carries oxygen to the body tissues through blood. The low number of red blood cells that contain Haemoglobin often results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath among others.According to the World Health...

Increasing stroke cases in young adults: Reasons for this disturbing trend, treatment tips

Recent years have seen an increasing incidence of stroke among young adults globally and in India. Here are the causes and treatment of brain disorder in youth

5 Superfoods For A Glowing Skin

‘You are what you Eat’, this age-old adage has stood the test of time and how. So, what is the ideal diet for radiant skin and general well-being? The truth is, one cannot pinpoint the best food, however, an assortment of superfoods can be consumed for glowing skin and good health.There is no doubt that natural foods can improve our skin’s health by keeping the skin hydrated and youthful for a longer time. Eating natural and organic foods...

10 regional sweets of India that also have some amount of nutrition

Traditional Indian sweets are not just indulgent treats but also offer a nutritious blend of protein and essential nutrients....

10 refreshing foods to keep your body cool in summer

Our body employs complex mechanisms, with the hypothalamus in the brain playing a pivotal role through the autonomic nervous system. However, various factors can disrupt this balance, leading to heightened body heat.Increased body heat can stem from environmental factors such as high temperatures, excessive sun exposure, or wearing non-breathable clothing. Infections trigger the body's immune response, resulting in fever as a defense mechanism. Conditions like hyperthyroidism can lead to excessive thyroid hormone production, causing elevated body heat. Additionally, certain medications may induce heat production as a side effect.To combat increased body heat, incorporating cooling foods into the diet can be beneficial. Here are some options: (Image: Canva).Coconut water: According to Mumbai- based dietician Niharika Kumar, this hydrating beverage replenishes fluids and electrolytes, aiding in maintaining balance and cooling down the body. (Image: Canva).Watermelon: With its high-water content and antioxidants, watermelon hydrates the body and provides essential nutrients to reduce body heat. (Image: Canva).Mint: Mint leaves aid digestion and possess cooling properties, helping regulate body temperature and providing a refreshing sensation, says Kumar. (Image: Canva).Banana: Known for their cooling properties, bananas replenish lost fluids and detoxify the body, making them suitable for combating heat. (Image: Canva).Buttermilk: Rich in probiotics, buttermilk aids digestion, improves metabolism, and keeps the body cool and hydrated. (Image: Canva).Cucumber: With its high-water content and detoxifying properties, cucumber reduces body heat and maintains hydration levels. (Image: Canva).Lemon water: Rich in Vitamin C, lemon water moisturises and oxygenates the body, enhancing heat tolerance and providing relief from discomfort. (Image: Canva).Celery: Abundant in water and essential minerals, celery keeps the body hydrated and detoxified, serving as an effective cooling food option. (Image: Canva).Indian bael juice: Known for its anti-fungal properties and nutritional benefits, Indian Bael juice acts as a refreshing coolant during hot weather. (Image: Canva).Sugarcane juice: Acting as a natural energy booster, sugarcane juice replenishes fluids and restores energy levels, aiding in staying cool and hydrated. (Image: Canva).

Tired Of Bloating? This Homemade De-Bloating Juice Is Just For You

With changing food habits and fast-paced lifestyles, many people are experiencing an increase in stomach-related issues. Digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, heartburn, and constipation can be bothersome, and some people may face difficulties in attaining clean bowel movements in the morning. But fret not, there is a natural and refreshing solution at your fingertips in the kitchen that will work like magic. This nutritious concoction...

Best exercises: For better fitness, balance and lower blood pressure, start climbing stairs today

Do you often opt for convenience over exertion? From hopping in the car for even the shortest trips to relying on elevators and escalators to reach your office, the art of using your legs as nature intended – for walking and climbing – seems to be fading into obscurity. Yet, by forsaking these basic forms of physical activity, are you unwittingly compromising your health? Thanks to elevators and lifts, climbing stairs has become increasingly...

Is Bathing At Night In Summer Advisable? Expert Answers

To get rid of the heat from the scorching sun, many people like to take a bath with cold water every night before going to sleep. Bathing in cold water in hot weather brings freshness. Many people bathe several times a day during the summer season. Many studies also reveal that taking a bath at night has many health benefits. That’s why many people prefer bathing at night, that too in every season. But taking cold water baths at night is really...

5 Yoga Practices That May Help Combat Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are a kind of medical condition in which the immunity system acts against the body’s tissues and cells. Our immune system is responsible to protect our body against any harmful diseases. With autoimmune diseases, the immunity system fails to recognise harmful substances and affects the body’s good cells and tissues. Yoga is a very effective form of exercise that can address various diseases and illnesses. Yoga also serves as...

World Hypertension Day: Is 140/ 90 mmHg blood pressure normal?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition where the force of blood against artery walls is consistently too high and requires monitoring and lifestyle changes. Dr. Sameer Gupta emphasizes the accuracy of blood pressure readings, discussing issues like improper cuff placement, user error, and the importance of calibration.

All you need to know about Hepatitis A that claimed more than 12 lives in Kerala

Many cases of Hepatitis A have been reported from Kerala. Around 4,000 Hepatitis A cases have been documented in parts of Kerala.

Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide: Beat the heat safely!

Expecting mothers should prioritize hydration, sun protection, and comfort during hot weather. Stay indoors, interpret body signals, consult a doctor, and maintain a balanced diet for a healthy summer pregnancy journey.

Watch: Andhra doctor performs CPR on electrocuted 6-year-old boy, saves his life

In the video, one can see the doctor methodically tapping the boy's chest, trying to bring him back to life.

Explained: Is South Indian food the healthiest cuisine in India

South Indian cuisine's focus on fermented foods, whole grains, and probiotics, along with spices like turmeric and cumin, makes it a delicious and nutritious choice. The cuisine's balanced meals can significantly benefit overall health when consumed mindfully.

On-the-go glam: 7 time-saving and effective skincare tips for working professionals

Busy professionals, unlock radiant skin in minutes. Our fast and effective skincare routine is designed for your busy lifestyle.

All About Sattvic Diet For A Healthy Body And Mind

In the modern era of exploring various components associated with staying fit, an increasing number of people are turning towards a sattvic diet, as is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts. A sattvic lifestyle is rooted in the principles of Sattva, one of the three Gunas (qualities) according to Hindu philosophy. Apart from meditation and yoga, a sattvic lifestyle includes consuming sattvic foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy...

Study Finds How Many Hours Of Sleep You Need Each Night

A study found that optimal health requires over 4 hours of physical activity, 8.3 hours of sleep, 6 hours sitting and 5 hours standing. The researchers looked at the data of nearly 2,000 adults and showed light activity benefits glucose control, suggesting regular breaks from sitting improve metabolism. Read on to know more about the study.

10 types of oranges and their benefits

Oranges, the superfood marvel, come in diverse types like Navel, Valencia, Blood, Cara Cara, and more. Take a look at the most popular varieties.

1 in 3 Covaxin recipients hit by adverse events: Study

Nearly one-third of Covaxin recipients experienced adverse events of special interest within a year, including respiratory, skin, and musculoskeletal issues. The study also highlighted menstrual abnormalities in 5% of women. AstraZeneca's vaccine technology controversy and Covishield's development by the Serum Institute of India are notable. The study reported viral upper respiratory tract infections in adolescents and adults.

Explained: The 9-1 rule for staying healthy and fit

The 9-1 rule offers a structured approach to balancing work, personal growth, and reflection, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle

Masaba Gupta loves this ‘yum’ combination for breakfast; let’s find out the ingredients (and health benefits)

Make sure that you use ripe, fresh ingredients to get the best flavour and nutritional content, said Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist, Artemis Lite, New Friends Colony (NFC), New Delhi

Midday meal in schools: A balancing act of nutrition and affordability

By ensuring that midday meals are not only nutritious but also economically sustainable and supportive of local communities The provision of midday meals in Indian schools has been a contentious issue for decades, with strong arguments both for and against its continuation. Proponents of the scheme highlight its role in alleviating hunger and malnutrition among children, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds, while opponents raise concerns...

Can a high-protein diet cause constipation?

Pooja Shah Bhave, Consultant Dietician and Diabetes Educator in Mumbai, explained the link and offered valuable advice for a healthy high-protein approach.

Swelling In Pancreas: Know The Painful Signs You Should Not Ignore

Pancreatitis is inflammation in your pancreas, which might feel like stomach pain that spreads to your back. Your pancreas is an organ in your abdomen that sits between your stomach and spine. According to doctors, when your pancreas is inflamed, this entire process malfunctions, leading to severe pain and discomfort. Read on to know about a few symptoms you must not ignore.

This Green Leafy Vegetable Can Help Treat Heart Ailments

Lettuce, a ubiquitous leafy green vegetable, is a staple in various culinary delights worldwide, from salads to sandwiches and soups. Beyond its crisp texture and culinary versatility, lettuce offers a plethora of vital nutrients that can significantly benefit human health, aiding in the prevention of severe ailments such as heart disease and cancer.Research has underscored lettuce’s efficacy in promoting heart health, with regular consumption...

8 tips to have a healthier relationship with your phone

There’s no denying that our smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. From staying connected with loved ones to managing work tasks, these devices offer convenience and efficiency like never before. However, excessive use of smartphones can often lead to negative effects on our mental and physical well-being. If you find yourself constantly glued to your phone screen, fret not! Here are some valuable tips to foster a healthier...

Fish To Avocados, 10 Magnesium-rich Foods To Add To Your Diet

If you have weakness in your body or have nausea, your body may be showing deficiency symptoms of magnesium. From regulating blood sugar levels to strengthening bone health, magnesium is an extremely vital mineral for our brain and body. Magnesium deficiency in the body may lead to problems like numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, seizures, and coronary spasms. It is important to include magnesium-rich foods in your daily intake.1. GreensLeafy...

3 healthy smoothies that help reduce weight faster

Discover a variety of nutrient-rich smoothie recipes to aid in weight loss. From the magenta smoothie's fiber-packed goodness to the green juice's refreshing blend, these recipes offer a delicious and healthy way to support your well-being. These mouthwatering and wholesome smoothie recipes can support you in your weight loss efforts.

Stress And Diabetes: Know How Chronic Stress Leads To High Blood Sugar Levels

Chronic stress is known to have detrimental effects on health. When you have chronic stress, your body continuously activates the stress response system, which leads to the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels over time can result in a range of health issues. Read on to know how chronic stress leads to the development of diabetes.

Know The Benefits Of Cocoa On Skin

Cocoa, particularly dark chocolate, contains antioxidants like flavonoids that can be beneficial for both the body and skin. Here are the different ways cocoa can help your skin.

Nourish your body with jowar: From upma to pancake, 5 delicious jowar recipes for a nutrient-packed meal

From comforting khichdi to crispy rotis, explore five nutritious and tasty jowar recipes that will delight your palate and boost your well-being.