Due to their metaphysical properties, crystals are widely used in varied practices, including energy healing and reiki. Since ancient times, they have been sought after due to their spiritual benefits. From enhancing your affirmations to improving your health, crystals are believed to improve one's life drastically, often through energy shifts and transformations. In this article, we will explore some of the most famous crystals that help with anxiety and stress:


Amethyst is not only coveted for its striking purple hues but also because of its powerful energy. It is believed that it is a highly spiritual crystal which helps uplift your mood by invoking calmness and peace. In addition to elevating your mindset, it offers protection from negative thoughts.

Clear Quartz

Also known as the “master healer,” Clear Quartz is popular among various practices. Experts often advocate the use of this transparent, shiny, and highly energetic stone due to its ability to cleanse negativity. Wearing this crystal in the form of jewellery would help bring clarity and peace to your mind. If you believe your work to be stressful and tedious, you can also keep a clear quartz wand, tumble stones, or a pyramid to maintain a calm ambience.


This vibrant yellow crystal represents happiness, abundance, and confidence. Citrine is best associated with joy and is used to enhance mood. It cultivates positive thoughts by raising your spirits. You can easily wear it around your neck or keep it around your workplace or in your study room to keep stress at bay.

Black Tourmaline

If you find yourself to be a constant victim of negative thought patterns, Black Tourmaline can be your best friend. It is a powerful grounding stone that absorbs negative energies from your surroundings. It is often sought after as a shield from harmful radiation from electronic devices. You can keep this beautiful and powerful stone around your house, preferably in your living and bedrooms.


Crystal healers hold this ethereal crystal in high regard due to its deep connection with the higher realms and dimensions. It is strongly believed that Celestite connects you with your higher self, turning your life around. It is a potent stress buster as it helps you to stop worrying. Energy healers use it to bring positivity.

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