Supporting a loved one who is struggling with mental health issues requires a comprehensive approach that includes empathy, patience, and understanding. Here are five ways that can help you in understanding how you can support your loved one who's having a hard time facing mental health issues:

Educate yourself from mental health professionals and expert:

Educating yourself about mental health issues from reputable sources like mental health professionals and experts is crucial. It helps you understand the challenges your loved one might be facing, how to recognize symptoms, and how to provide effective support. Learning about different treatment options and coping strategies can also empower you to assist them more effectively.

Be a Good Listener:

Create a safe and non-judgmental space for your loved one to express their feelings and experiences. Listen actively and attentively, acknowledging their emotions and concerns without dismissing or demeaning them. Avoid offering unsolicited advice or trying to "fix" their problems. Sometimes, all they need is someone to listen and empathise with their problems.

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Offer Practical Assistance:

Mental health issues can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming for the person suffering. Offer practical assistance with tasks like cooking, cleaning, running errands, or attending appointments. Even small gestures of support, like preparing a meal or offering to go with them to a therapy session, can make them feel loved and make a significant difference in their well-being.

Encourage Treatment and Self-Care:

Encourage your loved one to seek professional help if they haven't already done so. Help them in researching therapists, psychiatrists, or support groups in their area. Motivate them to prioritise self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, like exercise, mindfulness practices, hobbies, or spending time outdoors. Make them understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Be Patient and Supportive:

Recovery from mental health issues is typically a slow and gradual process that requires time, patience, and perseverance. Be patient with your loved one and avoid forcing unrealistic expectations on their progress. Offer consistent support and encouragement, celebrating their achievements no matter how small they are. Make them feel that you are there for them unconditionally, even during their most challenging moments.

Supporting a loved one struggling with mental health issues involves implementation of the above-mentioned strategies. By showing empathy, understanding, and unconditional support, you can provide them invaluable support and make a meaningful difference in their recovery and overall well-being.

(Article Courtesy: Dr. Rahul Chandhok, Head Consultant, Mental Health and Behavioural Science at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram )


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