

10 regional sweets of India that also have some amount of nutrition

Traditional Indian sweets are not just indulgent treats but also offer a nutritious blend of protein and essential nutrients....

Over 30% Covaxin takers suffered from health issues after 1 year: Report

A study from BHU analyzing the lasting impacts of Bharat Biotech's Covaxin found nearly a third of recipients reported adverse events of special interest (AESI). Among 926 participants, viral upper respiratory tract infections were prevalent. Serious AESI like stroke and Guillain-Barre syndrome were noted in one percent of cases.

Are computers or books best for educating children?

Commentators often pit books against computers as the best learning tools, but both are great in different circumstances. The debate distracts from the real problem in education — poverty.

9 benefits of having watermelon and how to check if it’s injected with colour

Watermelon offers hydration, nutrients, and health benefits like heart health, weight management, and improved digestion. Check for injected colors by inspecting the rind, flesh, smell, taste, and hardness.

8 benefits of drinking amla juice regularly, a tangy potion to boost immunity, keep hair healthy

Extracted from the Indian gooseberry, amla juice boasts a plethora of health advantages, making it a popular choice for those seeking a natural boost. From bolstering immunity to enhancing skin health, the virtues of consuming amla juice regularly are plentiful. Let’s look at the many benefits this tangy potion offers: Immunity booster: Strengthen your body's defence mechanism with amla juice. Packed with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, amla...

10 things to look younger over 40

These genius and easy hacks to look younger, will help you look and feel younger instantly. 🚨 EXPLORE MY FACE YOGA COURSES: ⚪️Personal Branding MASTERCLASS: 🧏🏻‍♀️Purchase Access to my 🚨Face symmetry Program 🚨Click and purchase access to QUEEN NECK PROGRAM. 🧏🏻‍♀️Purchase Access to 1 WEEK FACE MASSAGE CHALLENGE. FIRST 100 CLICKS GET 50% off with PROMO CODE "50BLUSH" How can you look younger as you age? Especially when age catches up fast for some in the late 30s and for some in the 40s or maybe even later in your 40s or 50’s. I’m Parmita Katkar, your self image transformation Coach. We are all going to age but I aim to help you look better and more attractive. My tips are going to make you look and feel younger for sure. When you look better for your age, you feel more ha

What Do You Mean By Pulse Pressure and What Should Yours Be?

Pulse pressure is the difference between the upper and lower levels of your blood pressure, which is a big indicator of your health problems before you develop any symptoms. Doctors say it is important to manage it, otherwise, it can lead to many life-threatening heart issues like heart attacks and strokes. Read on to know more.

10 powerful herbs & spices for health & wellness

Explore a diverse range of 10 potent herbs and spices known for their medicinal prowess, offering various health and wellness benefits.

Why a South Indian breakfast is tasty, healthy, and superb for weight loss

What if your breakfast could be both tasty and aid in weight loss? Well, South Indian breakfast does just that for you.

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder? Check Here The Symptoms And Causes Of The Condition

When a person suffers from social anxiety disorder, the fear and anxiety lead them to avoid people or situations. The constant stress due to the condition tends to affect their relationships, daily routines, work, school and other aspects of their life. Read on to know more about social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, its symptoms and causes.

Mental health challenges faced by children and early signs to look out for

Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in children is crucial for their well-being. Early intervention, support, and professional help play a vital role in ensuring children receive appropriate care and lead fulfilling lives.

10 Health Benefits Of Eating Soaked Figs Daily

Figs, also known as anjeer, are a scrumptious, wholesome, and healthy fruit that is eaten both fresh and dry. This delicious and juicy fruit has been popular for its proposed nutritional benefits since ancient times. Mostly grown across the Mediterranean Coast, West Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, the fruit is a powerhouse of essential nutrients like fibre, zinc, folate, magnesium, niacin, iron, and riboflavin. It boosts heart health,...

10 food items banned in India

India upholds stringent food safety regulations to safeguard public health, with bans on certain foods by FSSAI due to health, environmental, and cultural factors. This list details 10 banned foods, elucidating reasons behind their prohibition and implications for consumers.

5 things every student needs to do for better mental health

In a world that is constantly rushing, mental health practices have become as important as eating, sleeping or breathing. Making a few lifestyle changes along with giving 15-20 minutes to mind-related practices can go a long way to support good long-term mental health in students. Check out these tips.

Study Finds Weight Loss Jabs Can Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack, Stroke By 20 Per Cent

Semaglutide which is the active ingredient in weight loss injections like Wegovy and Ozempic can help to reduce the risks of heart attack, stroke or death due to cardiovascular disease by nearly 20%. The study says that semaglutide gave cardiovascular benefits to people even if they had mild obesity or had lost only a small amount of weight. Read on to know more about the study.

Fitness coach lists 5 snacks she eats ‘on repeat’; find out what they are

Whether you're craving something sweet, savoury, or crunchy, there's a healthy snack option to satisfy your cravings

Teenagers with more siblings have worse mental health, suggests study

The study suggests a connection with the "resource dilution" theory, where parental attention and resources diminish as the number of siblings increases.

10 healthy habits of mentally strong children

1.0 healthy habits of mentally strong children

Why Phalsa Fruit Is A Must-add To Diabetic Patients’ Diet

Phalsa, also known as Indian Sherbet Berry, has the botanical name Grewia Asiatica. Widely used in the preparation of sherbets, phalsa is rich in vitamins and ample amounts of trace minerals and is easily digestible. Phalsa is also highly useful for patients who are suffering from or on the verge of diabetes. As per, Phalsa contains compounds that may help control blood glucose levels. The fruit’s high dietary fibre content...

Explained: The 9-1 rule for staying healthy and fit

The 9-1 rule offers a structured approach to balancing work, personal growth, and reflection, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Prevents Man’s Leg And Foot Amputation; Know What It Is

A 65-year-old man from Chicago underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy that prevented his leg and foot amputation. He suffered from peripheral vascular disease, neuropathy, diabetes and end-stage renal disease. The hospital said that he underwent the therapy every weekday morning for three months. The increased oxygen in the bloodstream not only improves wound healing but also kills bacteria. Read on to know more about the procedure.

Masaba Gupta loves this ‘yum’ combination for breakfast; let’s find out the ingredients (and health benefits)

Make sure that you use ripe, fresh ingredients to get the best flavour and nutritional content, said Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist, Artemis Lite, New Friends Colony (NFC), New Delhi

Work-life balance: 10 essential tips for achieving harmony in sleep, work and life

Sleep is not just a luxury; it is a biological need. Your body relies on sleep to rejuvenate, repair, and regulate essential functions. Good sleep helps your brains work better, boosts your mood, keeps your immune system strong, and lowers your chances of getting sick. On the other hand, balancing work and personal life is also vital for staying healthy. It helps you feel less stressed, avoid getting too tired, and keeps your relationships...

Acute Asthma Attack: Know What It Is And Tips To Manage The Condition

Asthma is a condition wherein the airways get swollen and narrow which eventually makes breathing difficult. Also, the condition can lead to coughing, shortness of breath and a whistling sound (wheezing). Acute asthma attack, also known as asthma exacerbation is a progressive increase in asthma symptoms which include coughing, shortness of breath, or wheezing. Read on as experts share tips and preventive measures to manage the condition.

3 Simple Health Tips for Busy Professionals

As working professionals, you are often caught in a whirlwind of deadlines and meetings. These lead to quick, rushed lives and even quicker meals! More often than not these on-the-go meals have little to no nutrition. You then miss out on the fuel you need to drive your hectic and packed schedules. To tackle this, you can follow a few essential and easy RozKaHealthyStep to adopt a healthier lifestyle with convenient yet nourishing meals.Sheryl...

Fish To Avocados, 10 Magnesium-rich Foods To Add To Your Diet

If you have weakness in your body or have nausea, your body may be showing deficiency symptoms of magnesium. From regulating blood sugar levels to strengthening bone health, magnesium is an extremely vital mineral for our brain and body. Magnesium deficiency in the body may lead to problems like numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, seizures, and coronary spasms. It is important to include magnesium-rich foods in your daily intake.1. GreensLeafy...

ICMR Reveals Ideal Duration Of Sleep, Exercise And Work

Maintaining overall well-being requires a balanced approach towards sleep, work, and exercise. Hence, ICMR has provided guidelines that state the ideal duration of sleep, exercise and work one must follow to live a healthy life. Read on to know more.

Early symptoms of shingles that you must not ignore

Shingles, caused by the Varicella-zoster virus from chickenpox, affects nerves, heart, eyes, and the brain in ageing adults. Treatment includes antiviral meds, painkillers, and steroids prescribed by a doctor.

What is elder daughter syndrome and how does it affect your other relationships?

Elder daughter syndrome is real and it could be silently affecting your other relationships.

KP.2: This is what China has to say about the new COVID variant

China monitors the KP.2 COVID-19 variant closely, with minimal cases reported. Health experts advise hygiene practices and a balanced diet. The new variant of COVID-19, known as KP.2, has been making headlines globally with nearly 100 cases in India alone. But what does China have to say about it? Read all about it here.

How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation ( Ageing or Dark Spots) | Naturally Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation

How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation ( Ageing or Dark Spots) | Naturally Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation For good quality selective organic products visit my website Face Care Pack For Pigmentation Kapha diet natural treatment of piles Posting Knowledge and fun on my For Videos in Hindi Click 👇👇👇 Facebook: For Videos in Hindi Click 👇👇👇

7 Healthy Ways To Add Coconut Water To Your Diet This Summer

Coconut water is a nutritious and hydrating beverage made from young coconuts. It contains essential vitamins, minerals and electrolytes and is a natural alternative to sugary sports drinks or artificially flavoured beverages. Incorporating coconut water into your daily diet can bring numerous health benefits and boost your overall well-being. Here are seven creative and refreshing ways to drink coconut water and incorporate it into your daily...

Parenting styles and their impact on the child

The impact of parenting styles on early childhood development and education can also be influenced by other factors such as the child's temperament, the quality of the parent-child relationship, cultural influences, and external support systems. Here's we decode how each parenting style shapes the future of a child.

Five Weird Signs That You Are Vitamin Deficient; Ways To Fix It

If your body is critical of vitamins, it will give out signs like cramps, cracks in your mouth, scaly rashes, and many more. According to experts, vitamins – that help boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs, are extremely important for overall health and well-being. And so, it is important to take note of these symptoms and fix it. Read on to know more.

Warning Signs of Excessive Salt Intake: Watch Out for These Symptoms

Learn about the warning signs of consuming too much salt, which can lead to health issues like high blood pressure, heart diseases, and more. From increased thirst to swelling and fatigue, understand how excessive salt intake can impact your body and overall well-being. Stay informed and take steps to maintain a healthy balance in your diet.#health #saltintake #heartdisease Moneycontrol is India's leading financial and business portal with in-depth market coverage, analysis, expert opinions, and a gamut of financial tools.A part of Network18, is the most influential destination for stock market news and advice, business news, and news about the Indian and global economy.Subscribe: us:Visit

Weight loss without workout: 8 ways to shed kilos if you can't sweat it out this summer

As the temperatures soar, shedding those extra pounds can seem like an uphill battle, especially for those who find it challenging to find time for exercise.

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

Eye care during a beach vacation: Tips to protect eyes from sun, sand and water

Ensure eye protection from sunlight, sand, and water by wearing sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen. Stay hydrated and take breaks to prevent eye fatigue and maintain good eye health.

7 tips to hydrate your skin the right way, according to skincare experts

To have optimal hydration isn’t as easy or simple as applying moisturiser periodically. Here are 7 tips with comprehensive approach to hydrate skin effectively

Alzheimer's or dehydration? Forgetfulness in old age is more than a symptom

Have you ever noticed a grandparent of yours suddenly acting confused or forgetful? Yes, it is due to old age, but there might be some other factor responsible for it too, one that could be easily remedied.

Getting Acne Breakouts During Pregnancy? Gynecologists Shares Possible Causes, Risks And Treatment

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but it comes with all sorts of uncomfortable and inconvenient bodily changes. From weight gain to cravings, all are a part of pregnancy. Having said that, there have been many cases where pregnant women experience acne. But why? We got in touch with health experts who have explained the reasons behind breakouts during pregnancy. Read on to know more.

5 warning signs of high cholesterol on your face and eyes

High cholesterol can show up as yellowish pimples on face or changes in cornea. Here are signs to watch out for.

Why Does White Hair Not Return To Its Original Colour After Turning Grey?

Once your hair turns grey or white, it cannot return to its original colour because it is genetic or age-related. When your hair follicles lose melanin - the pigment responsible for hair colour, they stop producing it on their own. And so, as the melanin production slows, hair becomes grey and subsequently white, when production stops completely. Read on to know more.

Cardiovascular Diseases: How Exercise Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. These incorporate conditions like coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, heart failure and peripheral artery disease. Unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, nicotine use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes are some of the major factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular sickness is a...

Weight Loss Story: 26-Year-Old Loses Around 60 Kgs In 2 Years - Know Her Journey

Real-life weight loss story: Where people find it difficult to lose 2-3kgs, Nehal lost around 60 kgs in two years. From going for a run at 4 am to focusing on strength training at night, Nehal has transformed herself. Nehal shares her exclusive weight loss journey with Times Now, read on.

10 benefits of eating 1 Khajoor everyday

Incorporating just one date or khajoor into your daily diet can provide a wide array of health benefits, ranging from improved digestive health to enhanced brain function and heart health.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies To Reduce Iron Deficiency

Anaemia is a prevalent health condition in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin levels drops below the normal level in our body. Haemoglobin is a necessary iron-bound protein which carries oxygen to the body tissues through blood. The low number of red blood cells that contain Haemoglobin often results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath among others.According to the World Health...

What Is Heat Stroke? What Are Its Symptoms And Remedies

We are knee-deep into the summer season and the heat wave has caught all of us off guard. In some places, temperatures have soared to 45-48 degrees and people are generally avoiding going outdoors during the daytime. There is a possibility of a heat stroke occurring if exposed to the scorching sun for too long and hence there needs to be awareness regarding what heat stroke exactly is.Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee provides comprehensive insights...

Transition to Gray Silver Hair Gracefully

My mom wanted to transition to gray hair gracefully and no longer color her hair anymore. This process took us over 8 hours with multiple steps. Thank you @ArianaSin for working with me so we can finish this process with success. ✨First step is to extract and remove my moms oxidative dyes on her ends with a color remover. ✨Second step was to lighten her ends with #GuyTang #Big9 creme lightener with @Olaplex no1 and MyHero Collagen Powder. ✨ Once hair is lifted to a level 10 Apply @GuyTang_ Mydentity Demi color On Nape area: 1️⃣8SS SilverSmoke with 6vol 2️⃣8SS SilverSmoke + CrystalClear with 6vol On Top Section: 1️⃣SilverMoonDream10 with 6vol 2️⃣SilverMoonDream10 + CrystalClear with 6vol Process for 25mins 💕All colors #Olaplex No1 and GuyTang #MyHero Collagen Powder added in for protection and repair. ✨Shampoo and Condition With MyHero Nourishing System. Spray MyHero leave in treatment and then apply a small amount of the MyHero nourishing creme on ends and then blowout. ✨Style with MyPower HairSpray for hold with body and volume. ✨Take home maintenance for my mom is 50g of Olaplex No2 with GuyTang 10g of MyRefresh Silver Pearl To lock lock in color and close cuticle while coating outer layer with direct silver pigment for longevity til all her natural hair grow out. Order colors here Order Silver Pearl MyRefresh Color Conditioner here

Top 10 best fruits for weight loss

Top 10 best fruits for weight loss