Pregnancy is an amazing journey where a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes, both physical and hormonal, to support the growth and development of the baby. These changes can include fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, cravings, glowing skin, or morning sickness. But there's a new twist in the tale.

Women are flooding social media with snapshots and clips showing their noses before and during pregnancy. They're calling it "pregnancy nose". This trend shines a light on how some women's noses swell and alter in shape during pregnancy. How widespread this is remains uncertain because everyone's hormone levels fluctuate differently, and reactions vary. But why does this happen?

We got in touch with health experts who have shed light on why some women's noses swell during pregnancy, how to deal with it and treatment options. Let’s check.

What Is "Pregnancy Nose" And Why Does It Occur During Pregnancy?

Dr Neelam Suri, Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi explains that pregnancy nose is a term used to describe the swelling and broadening of the nose that some women experience during pregnancy. This cosmetic change is primarily caused by the hormonal fluctuations that occur during this period.”

“The surge in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can lead to fluid retention and tissue swelling, which manifests as a noticeable enlargement and widening of the nasal bridge and tip. Further, increased pigmentation or darkening of the skin around the nose may also be observed,” she added.

Factors Associated With Pregnancy Nose

Dr Anita Soni - Full Time Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecologist at Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai shares a multitude of factors that are responsible for the development of pregnancy nose. These include:

- Hormonal changes (estrogen surging and human chorionic gonadotropin),

- Increased blood circulation, and

- The genetic disposition.

“Even though the exact origin is not fully understood, these physiological changes during pregnancy are suggested to affect the olfactory system, and this significantly enhances the capacity to sense odours and, at times, causes distortions in perception,” Dr Anita Soni said.

How Does Pregnancy Nose Affect A Woman's Sense Of Smell And Overall Well-Being During Pregnancy?

Dr Neelam Suri explains while the pregnancy nose itself does not directly affect a woman's sense of smell, the hormonal changes during early pregnancy can temporarily heighten her olfactory senses.

“Many women report increased sensitivity to certain smells, especially during the first trimester, when hormonal levels are rapidly changing. This hypersensitivity to odours is often referred to as heightened olfactory sensation or hyperosmia. However, this heightened sense of smell typically subsides after the first few months, while the swelling of the nose may persist or become more pronounced in later stages of pregnancy due to continued hormonal fluctuations,” she added.

Are There Any Treatments Or Remedies Available To Alleviate Symptoms Of Pregnancy Nose?

Dr Anita Soni shares that there are no specific treatments or remedies available to alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy nose. This change is self-correcting and will be reversed after giving birth as the hormone levels and blood flow return to pre-pregnancy levels.

Does Pregnancy Nose Typically Resolve On Its Own After Childbirth, Or Can It Persist?

Dr Neelam Suri shares that in the majority of cases, the pregnancy nose resolves spontaneously after childbirth, once hormone levels stabilize and return to normal.

“However, in rare instances, the changes in nasal appearance may persist for a few months postpartum before gradually returning to the pre-pregnancy state. This extended duration may be due to the time it takes for hormones to fully regulate themselves after the pregnancy and birthing process. Few changes like pigmentation may remain after delivery but swelling subsided altogether,” Dr Neelam Suri added.

Are There Any Potential Complications Or Risks Associated With Pregnancy Nose?

Dr Neelam Suri explains that a pregnancy nose is generally considered a harmless and temporary cosmetic change during pregnancy. It does not pose any significant physical risks or complications.

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