Panic attack is a sudden and intense episode of fear, panic or anxiety that can be overwhelming and debilitating. They usually happen suddenly and without any clear trigger. One might have shortness of breath, dizziness, a racing heartbeat, trembling and muscle tension. While the physical impact of a panic attack might last from a few minutes to half an hour but the emotional impact can last for a few hours.

Symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, chills, shortness of breath or tightness in your throat, nausea, hot flashes, abdominal cramping, chest pain, headaches and dizziness among others. You might also have a sense of impending doom or danger and you might have a fear of loss of control or death along with a tingling sensation in your hands and feet.

When you’re having a panic attack, you need to take control of the situation and manage the symptoms. Following certain tips and techniques can help you navigate through the situation and also prevent it from getting worse.

Practice Deep Breathing

Concentrate on slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, counting to four, hold your breath for a second and then exhale through your mouth. This helps prevent your rapid breathing and can calm your nervous system.

Recognise the Attack

It is important that you recognise your panic attack. Doing so can help you take control of the situation. Remind yourself that you are experiencing a panic attack and that it will pass. Understanding what is happening can reduce the fear.

Focus on an Object

Choose an object within your sight and start to note everything about it. This can help divert your focus from the panic attack and anchor your mind.

Muscle Relaxation Techniques

You can adopt muscle relaxation techniques where you relax and tense certain muscle groups in your body. This can eventually counteract the tension and relaxation that occurs during a panic attack.


You can also imagine a serene setting or a place where you feel happy and relaxed. Visualisation can also help to distract your mind from the panic and bring calmness.

Stay At A Place

When you’re having a panic attack, stay in a particular place. When you leave a place, it can increase your sense of fear and make the situation worse. However, when you stay at a particular place, you can manage the situation and control the symptoms of the attack.

Light Exercise

You can walk or engage in some form of light exercise. This helps in the release of endorphins, which can improve your mood and also prevent further episodes of panic attacks.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

Reducing your intake of substances that can trigger or exacerbate panic attacks, like caffeine and alcohol, can be beneficial. You can choose water or herbal teas that helps you to relax.

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