Heat stroke often happens due to high temperature which leads to exhaustion, dehydration, and fainting.

According to doctors, when your body reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius), heatstroke can occur – leading to a cascading series of bodily failures - dizziness, nausea, confusion, and even a fatal brain stroke.

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Experts say heat causes the heart to push too hard, thereby making it stop working effectively by cutting off blood flow to the brain and other organs. Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause a brain stroke.

At high temperatures, the blood-brain barrier begins to break down, separating the brain tissue from the bloodstream and keeping out unwanted particles and bacteria while allowing in the oxygen and nutrients the brain needs.

These unwanted proteins and ions then build up in the brain - often causing an inflammatory response and negatively affecting normal functioning.

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Also, doctors say a heatstroke can also cause cell death as the temperature rises - proteins unfold killing the cells. The cerebellum - one of the most important parts of the brain that controls motor functions - gets majorly affected by collapsing your muscle control.

What happens in a brain stroke?

A brain stroke – also known as a brain attack occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

In either case, parts of the brain become damaged or die. A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death.

Signs and symptoms

According to doctors, different areas of your brain control different abilities, so stroke symptoms depend on the affected area. The symptoms of stroke can involve one or more of the following:

  • One-sided weakness or paralysis
  • Aphasia or difficulty with or loss of speaking ability
  • Slurred or garbled speaking
  • Loss of muscle control on one side of your face
  • Sudden loss of senses
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Loss of coordination
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Neck stiffness
  • Emotional instability and personality changes.
  • Confusion or agitation
  • Seizures
  • Memory loss
  • Severe headaches
  • Passing out or fainting
  • Coma

Ways to prevent

A few ways you can prevent a brain stroke which is caused due to high temperatures, include:

  • Do not venture outside in hot weather and if necessary, try to schedule your outdoor visits to avoid the hottest time between 10 am to 3 pm
  • When outdoors, make sure to wear light-coloured clothing of breathable material with sweat-absorbing properties like cotton
  • Drink adequate amounts of water to keep your body cool and hydrated
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and frequent tea as it leads to diuresis and thus loss of water
  • Avoid exercising in hot weather - prefer early morning or late evenings
  • Try to keep indoor temperatures in a comfortable zone with the help of air conditioners, coolers, or fans with natural ventilation
  • Always check the weather advisory for conditions of heat waves, high and low temperatures, and humidity levels

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