PeakMind, a digital counselling and therapy platform, on studying a sample of 11,000 students, reported that approximately 75% of health-related inquiries were reported by female participants. Moreover, three out of four women complain about their health issues affecting their ability to concentrate on studies. 

“Women’s health is highly ignored from a young age. Most of the female students I talk to have PCOS or are on the verge of having it, so some help is needed to understand the causes and create better support and understanding instead of just naming them women to whom emotions handle nahi kar pati. Female students also accounted for around 65% of inquiries concerning weight management. PCOS is associated with mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and negative body image. The hormonal imbalances and physical changes can also contribute to emotional distress,” Srishti, a counsellor at PeakMind, said. 

She further added that sexual and relationship issues and concerns related to anxiety and confidence are also more prevalent among female students. There is a strong link between our physical and mental health and getting to the root of the issue to resolve it is the need of the hour. Mental well-being affects physical health, influencing factors like immune function, cardiovascular health, and susceptibility to illness. Conversely, physical health impacts mental wellness, with exercise, nutrition, and sleep playing vital roles in mood regulation, stress management, and overall psychological resilience.”

“Body consciousness in women involves complex psychological dynamics. It affects their self-esteem and emotional well-being. Many struggle to meet unrealistic ideals, set by popular magazines and social media trends, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety and even eating disorders. Addressing these issues requires nurturing self-acceptance, challenging harmful norms, and promoting mental health support. With the right support and encouragement, their dwindling confidence could be restored. Having a positive body image is essential for mental well-being. It fosters self-acceptance, leading to higher self-esteem and confidence. People with a positive body image are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours, perform better in academics and have better relationships, both within and outside of their academic circle. They’re less susceptible to anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Students, who are already battling academic distress, need to be taught to cultivate self-compassion and focus on inner qualities rather than outer appearance to enhance their overall happiness and develop resilience. Embracing diversity and self-love fosters a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone to thrive mentally and emotionally,”  Neeraj Kumar, founder and CEO, PeakMind said. 

According to insights from PeakMind’s experienced counsellors, there appears to be a notable trend wherein females demonstrate a greater inclination to engage in open and detailed discussions about their concerns compared to their male counterparts. This tendency towards openness often translates into a more thorough exploration of their issues during counselling sessions. Additionally, females exhibit a higher likelihood of following through with recommended sessions, indicating a strong commitment to their mental well-being and personal growth. This gender-specific pattern underscores the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment within mental health services, tailored to meet the unique needs and communication styles of individuals of all genders.

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