In an era inundated with protein supplements flooding the market, discerning quality amidst the noise is paramount for consumers. With concerns escalating over the safety and efficacy of these products, expert guidance becomes indispensable. From deciphering misleading marketing tactics to scrutinising ingredient labels, navigating the landscape of protein supplements demands vigilance. In this guide, seasoned experts weigh in on strategies to ensure optimal product selection. By arming oneself with knowledge and a critical eye, consumers can safeguard their health and make informed choices amidst the burgeoning protein supplement market. spoke with Functional Nutritionist Mugdha Pradhan, CEO & Founder of iThrive, a Pune-based health and wellness platform that focuses on reversing chronic health conditions, to get more information.


"This was a much-needed, timely study because we've been seeing more and more players enter the protein supplements market rapidly. We see a new protein powder marketing itself every other day now. People get swayed by the extensive marketing, fancy new flavours and influencers promoting them", says Mugdha Pradhan

Nutritionist Pradhan also mentions that, whenever a product category becomes big, more and more players hop on the bandwagon to capitalise on the market demand. But whenever this happens, it introduces subpar products into the market, and the standards of the industry fall. That has been the case with protein supplements and the overall supplements market as well. That's not to say that the demand for protein supplements is unjustified. It is very real in a country like India where people's diets continue to be mostly vegetarian and protein-deficient. Non-vegetarian people eat meat once or twice a week only and in limited amounts.


"So protein supplements are very helpful. As are other herbs and supplements- something that Dr Abby Philips, who led this study, has in the past dismissed altogether as a fraudulent modality. But that's simply not true. But as this study highlights, not all protein supplements are created equal. It's great to see increasing consumer awareness around food and supplement products in India", says Mugdha Pradhan

The nutritionist also said that the media coverage around this study will push public awareness even further, hopefully. However, there is still a vast lack of awareness in general. People need to learn to critically read food labels instead of just going by the marketing and what's written on the front of the packaging. Most protein powder products today are simply unhealthy because they have so many harmful additives like artificial colours, emulsifiers, and flavours added and all of that is openly listed in the ingredients already. So you don't even need a third-party study to see that these products are bad.


Mughda says that the state of food safety certification in the country today is a joke. People need to be demanding better standards, cleaner ingredients, and organic and third-party lab certifications. Supplement products today are a huge grey market. There have even been reports of some protein powders having been spiked with illegal steroids to boost muscle growth!

"We look forward to more studies coming and we are working on publishing papers, not just on protein supplements, but others that people take too. I know I'm not supposed to plug our products here, but brands like us and The Whole Truth Foods have been screaming from the rooftops through our marketing efforts about the importance of our protein supplements being clean and this study just vindicates us," says Mugdha Pradhan

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