While we are all familiar with our ancient yoga techniques such as anulom vilom and kapalbharti for daily practice, there are other breathing techniques to enhance your sleep quality (Source: Freepik)

Not only are they a simple yet powerful way to calm the mind and body, but breathing exercises are also excellent to release stress instantly and promote relaxationThese techniques are used to focus on the breath, which can help the person shift their attention from the constant chatter of the mind to the calming flow of air, in and out of the body. 

While we are all familiar with certain ancient yoga techniques such as anulom vilom and kapalbharti for daily practice, there are some other breathing exercises you can add to your daily routine, especially if you are struggling to get quality sleep.

According to a 2023 study published in Frontiers in Physiology, “Daily deep breathing exercises can result in beneficial physiological adaptations, including reduced blood pressure and sympathetic activity, and can reduce chronic stress and mitigate acute stress events.” 

Breathing techniques are excellent to release stress instantly and promote relaxation. (Source: Freepik)

Breathing exercises are techniques that focus on being mindful of one’s inspiration and expiration, Dr Sheetal Chaurasia, consultant, Pulmonary Medicine, Manipal Hospital says, and regulating and controlling the breath in order to relax and promote overall stress reduction. This can, in turn, help a person get a restful sleep.

If you are struggling with falling asleep most nights due to factors such as stress, Dr Chaurasia recommends the following exercises that should ideally be done in the evenings before going to bed:

Progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing

This practice involves relaxing the shoulder muscles and being mindful of the breath going in and out as we relax the other muscle groups from top to toe slowly.

Diaphragmatic breathing

Lie down on your back and place one hand on the upper abdomen and other on the chest. Take a slow deep breath As you breathe in, focus on expanding your abdomen, while keeping the chest relatively still and exhale through the mouth letting the abdomen fall back down. Focus on emptying the lungs.

4-7-8 technique

Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this cycle several times.

Equal breathing

Inhale through the nose for a count of 4 and breathing out through the nose for a count of 4. Keep the inhalation and exhalation lengths equal. Repeat this exercise multiple times.

Visualisation breathing

Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene, such as a tranquil beach or a calm natural park or scenery. During inhalation, imagine breathing in the calm and relaxation of that scene and while  exhaling imagine releasing all stress, tension and spasm from the body.

Rhythmic breathing or paced respiration

Rhythmic breathing involves focusing on the flow of air within your body and breathing at a specific rate or rhythm to induce relaxation and reduce stress.

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