Constipation is a problem that’s faced by a lot of people today. From bloating to constipation; there are several digestive troubles that crop up because the digestive tract is out of balance. Chronic constipation is also a result of a poor digestive system. This condition is much worse and it can have an impact on the overall health of an individual. Other factors such as dehydration, improper diet and stress are factors that play an important role in constipation.

However, there are several home remedies that can help relieve constipation; one of them being Triphala. Triphala churn is a brown-coloured powder made from Amla (Indian gooseberry), Haritaki (harad) and Bibhitaki (baheda). The word Triphala comes from ‘tri’ meaning three and ‘phala’ meaning fruits which eventually means made from three fruits.

From better immunity to weight loss, triphala is known to have several health benefits. It is also known to help relieve constipation because the herbs; amla, haritaki and bibhitaki are known to be beneficial to alleviate constipation. Triphala powder helps to improve the digestive system and also acts as a gentle laxative.

Here, take a look at the three fruits, Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki help to relieve constipation.


Also known as amla or Indian gooseberry, this fruit has the ability to calm and soothe the inner lining of the stomach. It also helps to reduce the burning sensation caused due to inflammation. It provides relief to an irritated stomach.


Also known as harad or black myrobalan, Haritaki acts as a great laxative. It works as an astringent as well as a lubricant in the stomach, helping loosen the stools and reduce complications.


This is an essential ingredient which has natural laxative properties and is rich in dietary fibre. The dietary fibre helps to reduce constipation by improving bowel movement. When you have an improved bowel movement, it effectively helps in reducing constipation and other related risks.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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